Closed mrinc closed 1 month ago
shouldn't you rather create an issue with omnivore to get an export feature?
There are a bunch of discussions already on this.
But this is 2 fold, if someone comes around trying to work out how to do it and searches the issues - this issue will show up.
So regardless of the outcome, it can at least help someone in the future :)
ok, but then just link the discussion here and we'll close this issue. The hoarder maintainers are not going to add a bookmark export to omnivore ;-)
That is unacceptable! I expect them to do it! (jk) :P
Annnddd .... here we go :)
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <API_KEY>"
exit 1
# Initialize the bookmarks file
echo '<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<DL><p>' > "$OUTPUT_FILE"
fetch_page() {
local after="$1"
local query
if [ -z "$after" ]; then
query='{"query": "query { search(first: 100, query: \"\", includeContent: false) { ... on SearchSuccess { edges { node { id url title } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } } }"}'
query="{\"query\": \"query { search(first: 100, after: \\\"$after\\\", query: \\\"\\\", includeContent: false) { ... on SearchSuccess { edges { node { id url title } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } } }\"}"
curl --silent --location "$ENDPOINT" \
--header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data "$query"
process_results() {
local json="$1"
echo "$json" | jq -r '[] | "<DT><A HREF=\"\(.node.url)\">\(.node.title)</A>"' >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
while $has_next_page; do
response=$(fetch_page "$after")
process_results "$response"
has_next_page=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '')
after=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '')
echo "Processed a page. More pages: $has_next_page"
# Optional: add a small delay to avoid hitting rate limits
sleep 1
# Close the bookmarks file
echo '</DL><p>' >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "Bookmarks have been saved to $OUTPUT_FILE"
Create the script (bash) and run it passing in your API key as the argument.
It'll generate a bookmarks file that you can import into hoarder.
I didn't expect them to do it - thus why moreof a question of ideas.
But anywhoo, there is a bash script that will export omnivore links in a bookmark format that can be easily imported into hoarder :)
So if anyone has to migrate later on, they can just run this ....
Only bash, curl and jq required - so a non python dev can also use it.
Going to close now since records exist for any future person in the same stuck.
Omnivore is closing down, and they have added an export feature
Omnivore doesn't have an export, its a real PITA, so either docs of how to simply export from omnivore or an import feature would be awesome....
I'll see if I can do something and push a PR, else if you have any ideas on it that would be great.