hobbitsyfeet / PeopleTracker

PeopleTracker is an OpenCV Object Tracker that is used to collect data about something in a video. Here, it is used on people but has many other applications as well.
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Evaluate Predicted Identity #21

Open hobbitsyfeet opened 2 years ago

hobbitsyfeet commented 2 years ago

To evaluate the predicted identity, we can't evaluate the model's performance with identity without assigning one.

We can do this in 2 ways. K Nearest neighbour where the nearest rectangle is the chosen one.

Kalman Filter with KNN

hobbitsyfeet commented 1 year ago

Completed somewhere around here https://github.com/hobbitsyfeet/PeopleTracker/commit/627e8eee2232c2630ba3f384799ce68be3f9544e : We used and modified: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/07/23/simple-object-tracking-with-opencv/