hobovsky / polyglot

TamperMonkey user script which improves user experience with CodeWars (or at least tries to).
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Auto-refresh solutions #11

Closed Haksell closed 4 years ago

Haksell commented 4 years ago

Here is a Tampermonkey script to refresh the completed_solutions tab automatically:

// ==UserScript==
// @name     AutoRefreshCodewars
// @include  /https:\/\/www\.codewars\.com\/users\/\w+\/completed_solutions\/
// ==/UserScript==

let seconds = 180;
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, seconds * 1000);

Needs the tab to be open but at least you don't need to visit it every time. Maybe you could include it in polyglot.

hobovsky commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your script, but I already have something else in mind, I just need to get to implementing it. I am going to close this one as a duplicate of #1.