hoccer / hoccer-xo-iphone

iOS Client
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WW list not correctly updated after being relocated to a new ww group by server #698

Closed ChristianeMussmacher closed 9 years ago

ChristianeMussmacher commented 9 years ago

version 3.3.7 tested on iPhone 5s & iPad mini reproducible

iPhone clients do not correctly update list of ww group members after being relocated to a new ww group by server.


screenshot_2015-06-03-13-58-24 img_5112 ![screenshot_2015-06-03-13-58-24] img_5113

ChristianeMussmacher commented 9 years ago

tested in v 3.3.8 - client not updating ww list when being transferred to new group by server

ChristianeMussmacher commented 9 years ago

re-tested in v 3.3.10

My client on iPhone 5s is indicating 6 group members. The "active" group consists of 4 members. Messages can be exchanged with these members. The two other clients from the "former" ww group are still visible although I am not able to send or receive messages from these contacts.

WW setting: timetolive = 30 min Notifications activated

Not sure if logs might help: Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEP: sleep ART ready, saving Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : ART: 30 60 02 01 00 30 39 02 03 00 d3 87 04 14 e9 39 fb d3 46 e6 06 d7 c6 6b 63 ab 43 48 1f cf 62 fc 41 5a 04 14 52 4e 0a 65 c2 4c 8b b1 38 10 f2 d6 4c 1c 74 b2 1a a3 94 b7 04 00 31 04 c0 02 15 77 04 20 bc d2 d9 f6 a4 65 80 b4 7f bb 8b 86 0e da f9 16 b9 f8 13 c5 ee a9 ac 0f 3a 9a cd eb 06 19 a9 6a Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 0 Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Sleep Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 369 ms Jun 11 13:22:17 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPStorage::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 369 ms Jun 11 13:22:20 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleCSI::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 2444 ms Jun 11 13:22:20 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[2]=> 0x0 Jun 11 13:22:20 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[1]=> 0x1C0706 Jun 11 13:22:20 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[0]=> 0x48081B8 Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.739896 wlan0.N[76779] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8086224000 (this 1, provider 0) Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.739923 wlan0.N[76780] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOnSystem(): : Powering On Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.739936 wlan0.N[76781] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(20001) Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleEmbeddedAudioDevice::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 53 ms Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 59 ms Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy CommCenter[71] : Telling CSI to exit low power. Jun 11 13:23:27 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 52 ms Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096944 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 1 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Wrap Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.942395 wlan0.N[76782] AppleBCMWLANCore::calculateAvailableRoamTime(): available roam time for LPAS is 839024 secs Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.942412 wlan0.A[76783] AppleBCMWLANCore::processPowerStatsChangesInSleep(): LPAS (0x5) power report: MpcDuration 0ms PmDuration 69959ms SleepDuration 70894ms DutyCycle 1.3% RoamScanDuration 0ms ConnectTime 0ms AvailableRoamTime 839024ms Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.946331 wlan0.A[76784] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.946354 wlan0.A[76785] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): Tearing down WoW mode Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395118.958325 wlan0.A[76786] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x0) Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on. Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : en0: BSSID changed to 36:81:c4:ae:e1:22 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 253 ms Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : system wake events:menu Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy CLTM[18] : CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1434021808, last update = 1434021733 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy wifid[35] : _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 1, reason -528345085, subreason 0 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:23:28.173 : BTLE scanning started Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:23:28.175 : Scanning mode Contacts Only Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:23:28.217 : BTLE scanner Powered On Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy powerd[31] : Wake [CDNVA] due to /: Using BATT (Charge:54%) Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 326 ms (31, powerd) Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0 Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached Jun 11 13:23:28 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:23:29 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:23:29 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 455713876.9 Jun 11 13:23:29 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: query, cells, 0, 0, 0, 0, wifis, 1 Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 50 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2) Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle 0 Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3 Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to disable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillEnterForeground Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:23:30 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:23:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:23:31 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:23:31 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : id=com.hoccer.Hoccer-XO-Dev pid=4702, state=32 Jun 11 13:23:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillResignActive Jun 11 13:23:36 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.932313]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd" Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.934655]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client assistantd (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.935954]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client vmd (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.936440]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.936847]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client MobileMail (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.937722]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client itunesstored (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:37 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714617.938178]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:23:41 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:23:43 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395134.085028 wlan0.A[76787] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters(): per AC tx counters: 2210858 545100 451778 62447, rx counters: 4069322 718 283 4300 Jun 11 13:23:43 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395134.085063 wlan0.A[76788] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters(): AWDL: Tx 412 0 0 0 Rx: 328 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:24:30 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:24:33 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:24:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : using server: wss://test1.talk.hoccer.de Jun 11 13:24:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Nearby or worldwide active, defering sync until environment update ready Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync hello Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync hello Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:24:35 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 4f106573-82f6-4862-9c9f-345a277e26cf nick: huawaiiii Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 13d38d43-5c26-48d2-b95d-3ec2f5eb5839 nick: nexus6 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: d6f6f497-65c5-4c77-b6e6-4afa1e45d48d nick: razr i dev Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: ea53c504-8356-4a91-959e-4dc0b885ac75 nick: n6 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Sync finished Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 455714609.6 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: query, cells, 0, 0, 0, 0, wifis, 1 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: resumeDocumentMonitoring: enabling document monitoring Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : setupDocumentDirectoryMonitoring Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Document Directory file change detected. Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : flushIncomingDeliveriesInContext: found 0 pending incoming deliveries Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 58f2bd72-3ece-49de-96ec-67cd90c6f831 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 58f2bd72-3ece-49de-96ec-67cd90c6f831 Jun 11 13:24:36 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:24:37 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 3 Jun 11 13:24:37 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.25min. Need active time in 62.09min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:38 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.35min. Need active time in 62.18min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:40 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.40min. Need active time in 62.23min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:41 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.43min. Need active time in 62.26min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:42 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.45min. Need active time in 62.28min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:43 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.47min. Need active time in 62.30min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:44 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.48min. Need active time in 62.31min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:45 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.49min. Need active time in 62.32min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:46 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.50min. Need active time in 62.33min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:47 Chrissy kbd[2453] : -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: mobile~C6643DFD-7913-4F3D-952E-A7AE30FAFC24:UserDictionary Using local storage: 1 Jun 11 13:24:47 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.51min. Need active time in 62.34min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: Delivery shouldUpdateState: keeping state deliveredUnseen (level 3), not changing to lower state delivering (level 2) Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: Delivery shouldUpdateState: keeping state deliveredUnseen (level 3), not changing to lower state delivering (level 2) Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : ERROR: outDeliveryAcknowledgeMethod (outDeliveryAcknowledgeUnseen), unexpected response state deliveredSeen, expected deliveredUnseenAcknowledged Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 79c708f7-e99a-4b0e-9769-15c40f53baf1 Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : ERROR: outDeliveryAcknowledgeMethod (outDeliveryAcknowledgeUnseen), unexpected response state deliveredSeen, expected deliveredUnseenAcknowledged Jun 11 13:24:53 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 79c708f7-e99a-4b0e-9769-15c40f53baf1 Jun 11 13:25:31 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:26:36 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:26:47 Chrissy kbd[2453] : -PFUbiquitySafeSaveFile waitForFileToDownload:: CoreData: Ubiquity: <PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1501ed130>(0) permanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1501c67b0>: /var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/baseline.zip safeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1501c6810>: /var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile~C6643DFD-7913-4F3D-952E-A7AE30FAFC24 currentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1501c67b0>: /var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/baseline.zip

    storeName: UserDictionary
    modelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=
    baselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1501c67b0>: /var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/baseline.zip

Download failed for file, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512 "The file download timed out." UserInfo=0x14f9a15f0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The file download timed out.}

Jun 11 13:26:47 Chrissy kbd[2453] : -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: mobile~C6643DFD-7913-4F3D-952E-A7AE30FAFC24:UserDictionary Using local storage: 0 Jun 11 13:27:15 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics Jun 11 13:27:15 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off. Jun 11 13:27:15 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3->255 Jun 11 13:27:16 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : (Note ) MC: Locking device. Jun 11 13:27:16 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:27:16.100 : BTLE scanning stopped Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:27:16 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : (Note ) MC: Locking device. Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillResignActive Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidEnterBackground Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: pauseDocumentMonitoring: disabling document monitoring Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : cancelDocumentDirectoryMonitoring Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : suspendEnvironmentMode Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to enable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:27:17 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:27:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: triggerFinalizer: scheduling check in 1.200000 seconds Jun 11 13:27:18 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.39min. Need active time in 62.22min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: triggerFinalizer no backgroundTasks, no open Requests, no traffic, finalizing Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: Executing background finalizer in updateUnreadMessageCountAndStop Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: Still logged in, stopping backend Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: JsonRpc: connection was closed, flushing 0 open requests Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: backendDidStop: done with background task ... good night Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:27:19 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.44min. Need active time in 62.27min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:27:20 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.46min. Need active time in 62.30min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:27:21 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.48min. Need active time in 62.32min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:27:22 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.50min. Need active time in 62.33min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:27:23 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:27:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1 for handle 0 Jun 11 13:27:27 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:27:27 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to enable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:27:27 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:27:27 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 103 ms (4208, aggregated) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy CommCenter[71] : Telling CSI to go low power. Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 150 ms (71, CommCenter) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy powerd[31] : Entering Sleep state due to 'Idle Sleep': Using BATT (Charge:53%) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.188412 wlan0.N[76789] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x30005, dev 0xffffff80861e3000 (this 0, provider 1) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.188429 wlan0.N[76790] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOffSystem(): : Powering Off and sleeping Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.188436 wlan0.N[76791] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff(): fStateFlags(30004) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.215366 wlan0.A[76792] AppleBCMWLANCore::numActiveNATKeepAlives(): NAT Keep Alive Count Returned from XNU is 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.215387 wlan0.N[76793] AppleBCMWLANCore::validAssociationForWoW(): DHCP Wake event 1 IsHotSpot 0 activeNATKeepAlives 0 PrimaryInf 1 LPAS 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.215403 wlan0.A[76794] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 0, reason -528345084, subreason 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.226761 wlan0.A[76795] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureDMS(): Added Traffic Classifer 4 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.228761 wlan0.A[76796] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureKeepAlives(): Keep Alive Count Returned from XNU is 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.228776 wlan0.A[76797] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureWoWEntry(): Configuring Keep-Alive Not Supported Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.262792 wlan0.A[76798] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x2) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.290779 wlan0.N[76799] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff(): Associated & WoW enabled, WiFi will remain up Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(0) to(0) async took 102 ms Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.291071 wlan0.N[76800] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8086224000 (this 1, provider 0) Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : wlan::powerStateChange type(0) to(2) async took 103 ms Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096912 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : USBF: 395363.309 IOUSBDeviceIdler[0xffffff80870e6400]::timerCompletion - failed to suspend device Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM - 0xe00002c0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : sleeping waiting for endpoint to wake up again. Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEP: sleep ART ready, saving Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ART: 30 60 02 01 00 30 39 02 03 00 d3 88 04 14 e9 39 fb d3 46 e6 06 d7 c6 6b 63 ab 43 48 1f cf 62 fc 41 5a 04 14 3c 94 33 8d 20 3f f7 c6 75 26 29 11 dd c9 a4 05 9e f4 97 5b 04 00 31 04 c0 02 15 77 04 20 3d 2c 15 2e b8 04 67 32 65 0b 8c 7d 95 2c aa d2 0c b9 c4 d7 1c 25 44 07 f6 d8 bb f6 cf 9d cd 8b Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Sleep Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 420 ms Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPStorage::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 420 ms Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[2]=> 0x0 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[1]=> 0x1C0706 Jun 11 13:27:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[0]=> 0x48081B8 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.865200 wlan0.N[76801] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8086224000 (this 1, provider 0) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.865233 wlan0.N[76802] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOnSystem(): : Powering On Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395363.865246 wlan0.N[76803] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(20001) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleEmbeddedAudioDevice::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 53 ms Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy CommCenter[71] : Telling CSI to exit low power. Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 58 ms Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 50 ms Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096944 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 1 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Wrap Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.066003 wlan0.N[76804] AppleBCMWLANCore::calculateAvailableRoamTime(): available roam time for WoW is -1 secs Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.066021 wlan0.A[76805] AppleBCMWLANCore::processPowerStatsChangesInSleep(): WOW (0x6) power report: MpcDuration 0ms PmDuration 109537ms SleepDuration 114029ms DutyCycle 3.9% RoamScanDuration 0ms ConnectTime 0ms AvailableRoamTime -1ms Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.073588 wlan0.A[76806] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.073613 wlan0.A[76807] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): Tearing down WoW mode Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.083556 wlan0.A[76808] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureAssociatedWNMModeExit(): Terminated WNM Service Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on. Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:29:26.479 : BTLE scanning started Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:29:26.479 : Scanning mode Contacts Only Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:29:26.500 : BTLE scanner Powered On Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 1, reason -528345085, subreason 0 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395364.101573 wlan0.A[76809] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x0) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : en0: BSSID changed to 36:81:c4:ae:e1:22 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 255 ms Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : system wake events:menu Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy powerd[31] : Wake [CDNVA] due to /: Using BATT (Charge:53%) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.633473]: Disable WoW requested by "apsd" Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 183 ms (31, powerd) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.638992]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client assistantd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.639191]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client vmd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.639345]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.639470]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client MobileMail (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.639661]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client itunesstored (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714966.639801]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0 Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached Jun 11 13:29:26 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle 0 Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to disable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3 Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillEnterForeground Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:29:27 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:29:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 455714676.5 Jun 11 13:29:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: query, cells, 0, 0, 0, 0, wifis, 1 Jun 11 13:29:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:29:28 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : id=com.hoccer.Hoccer-XO-Dev pid=4702, state=32 Jun 11 13:29:28 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillResignActive Jun 11 13:29:29 Chrissy CLTM[18] : CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1434022169, last update = 1434022051 Jun 11 13:29:30 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:29:30 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : using server: wss://test1.talk.hoccer.de Jun 11 13:29:30 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:29:30 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Nearby or worldwide active, defering sync until environment update ready Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync hello Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync hello Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:29:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 4f106573-82f6-4862-9c9f-345a277e26cf nick: huawaiiii Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 13d38d43-5c26-48d2-b95d-3ec2f5eb5839 nick: nexus6 Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: d6f6f497-65c5-4c77-b6e6-4afa1e45d48d nick: razr i dev Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: ea53c504-8356-4a91-959e-4dc0b885ac75 nick: n6 Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Sync finished Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: resumeDocumentMonitoring: enabling document monitoring Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : setupDocumentDirectoryMonitoring Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Document Directory file change detected. Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : flushIncomingDeliveriesInContext: found 0 pending incoming deliveries Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy kernel[0] : ART: 30 4c 02 01 00 30 25 02 03 00 d3 89 04 14 e9 39 fb d3 46 e6 06 d7 c6 6b 63 ab 43 48 1f cf 62 fc 41 5a 04 00 04 00 31 04 c0 02 15 78 04 20 4b 86 12 38 6a a4 53 c1 9a 57 78 19 03 93 29 7b 20 d8 cd 96 ef dd bc b9 ae b8 8d 6e c0 6c 8e 7b Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.551077]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd" Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.551829]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client assistantd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.552034]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client vmd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.552169]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.552297]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client MobileMail (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.552494]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client itunesstored (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455714972.552635]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 79c708f7-e99a-4b0e-9769-15c40f53baf1 Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'deliveredSeen', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 79c708f7-e99a-4b0e-9769-15c40f53baf1 Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:29:32 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:29:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.38min. Need active time in 62.21min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 4 Jun 11 13:29:34 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.41min. Need active time in 62.25min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:35 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.45min. Need active time in 62.28min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:36 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.47min. Need active time in 62.31min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:37 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.49min. Need active time in 62.32min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:39 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.50min. Need active time in 62.34min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:40 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.51min. Need active time in 62.35min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:41 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.52min. Need active time in 62.35min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:41 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395379.222209 wlan0.A[76810] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters(): per AC tx counters: 2211433 545104 451778 62477, rx counters: 4069837 718 283 4300 Jun 11 13:29:41 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395379.222239 wlan0.A[76811] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters(): AWDL: Tx 412 0 0 0 Rx: 328 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:29:42 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.53min. Need active time in 62.36min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:29:43 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.54min. Need active time in 62.37min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:30:55 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:31:08 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:31:09 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:31:22 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:31:30 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics Jun 11 13:31:30 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off. Jun 11 13:31:30 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3->255 Jun 11 13:31:30 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:31:30.766 : BTLE scanning stopped Jun 11 13:31:30 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : (Note ) MC: Locking device. Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillResignActive Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidEnterBackground Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: pauseDocumentMonitoring: disabling document monitoring Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : cancelDocumentDirectoryMonitoring Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : suspendEnvironmentMode Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : (Note ) MC: Locking device. Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to enable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:31:31 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:31:32 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: triggerFinalizer: scheduling check in 1.200000 seconds Jun 11 13:31:32 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.44min. Need active time in 62.27min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: triggerFinalizer no backgroundTasks, no open Requests, no traffic, finalizing Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: Executing background finalizer in updateUnreadMessageCountAndStop Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: Still logged in, stopping backend Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: JsonRpc: connection was closed, flushing 0 open requests Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: backendDidStop: done with background task ... good night Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:31:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.47min. Need active time in 62.30min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:31:34 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.48min. Need active time in 62.32min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:31:35 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.50min. Need active time in 62.33min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:31:36 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.51min. Need active time in 62.34min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:31:37 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:31:41 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1 for handle 0 Jun 11 13:31:41 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:31:41 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to enable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:31:41 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:31:41 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy CommCenter[71] : Telling CSI to go low power. Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 108 ms (4208, aggregated) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : PM response took 151 ms (71, CommCenter) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy powerd[31] : Entering Sleep state due to 'Idle Sleep': Using BATT (Charge:53%) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.486213 wlan0.N[76812] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x30005, dev 0xffffff80861e3000 (this 0, provider 1) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.486235 wlan0.N[76813] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOffSystem(): : Powering Off and sleeping Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.486244 wlan0.N[76814] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff(): fStateFlags(30004) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.488877 wlan0.A[76815] AppleBCMWLANCore::numActiveNATKeepAlives(): NAT Keep Alive Count Returned from XNU is 0 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.488898 wlan0.N[76816] AppleBCMWLANCore::validAssociationForWoW(): DHCP Wake event 1 IsHotSpot 0 activeNATKeepAlives 0 PrimaryInf 1 LPAS 0 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.488914 wlan0.A[76817] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy wifid[35] : _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 0, reason -528345084, subreason 0 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.501377 wlan0.A[76818] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureDMS(): Added Traffic Classifer 4 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.503402 wlan0.A[76819] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureKeepAlives(): Keep Alive Count Returned from XNU is 0 Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.503418 wlan0.A[76820] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureWoWEntry(): Configuring Keep-Alive Not Supported Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.537420 wlan0.A[76821] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x2) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.565632 wlan0.N[76822] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff(): Associated & WoW enabled, WiFi will remain up Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(0) to(0) async took 79 ms Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395504.566036 wlan0.N[76823] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8086224000 (this 1, provider 0) Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : wlan::powerStateChange type(0) to(2) async took 80 ms Jun 11 13:31:46 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096912 Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : sleeping waiting for endpoint to wake up again. Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEP: sleep ART ready, saving Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : ART: 30 60 02 01 00 30 39 02 03 00 d3 8a 04 14 e9 39 fb d3 46 e6 06 d7 c6 6b 63 ab 43 48 1f cf 62 fc 41 5a 04 14 7b dc 92 34 e9 ed aa dc 3f 1e 44 70 d3 7f 1d dd 82 a1 cf ee 04 00 31 04 c0 02 15 78 04 20 a8 dc c0 53 8a 7e 25 33 48 8d f4 e4 fd e2 0c c8 57 25 69 87 66 29 6c b8 6a 2a 8f e6 e8 15 01 c7 Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 0 Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Sleep Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 420 ms Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPStorage::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 420 ms Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[2]=> 0x0 Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[1]=> 0x1C0706 Jun 11 13:31:47 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[0]=> 0x48081B8 Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.137603 wlan0.N[76824] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated(): powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8086224000 (this 1, provider 0) Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.137616 wlan0.N[76825] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOnSystem(): : Powering On Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.137621 wlan0.N[76826] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(20001) Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 57 ms Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy CommCenter[71] : Telling CSI to exit low power. Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 52 ms Jun 11 13:34:10 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on. Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096944 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 1 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Wrap Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.340680 wlan0.N[76827] AppleBCMWLANCore::calculateAvailableRoamTime(): available roam time for WoW is -1 secs Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.340698 wlan0.A[76828] AppleBCMWLANCore::processPowerStatsChangesInSleep(): WOW (0x6) power report: MpcDuration 0ms PmDuration 136138ms SleepDuration 144305ms DutyCycle 5.6% RoamScanDuration 3473ms ConnectTime 0ms AvailableRoamTime -1ms Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.344740 wlan0.A[76829] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.344763 wlan0.A[76830] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): Tearing down WoW mode Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.354747 wlan0.A[76831] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureAssociatedWNMModeExit(): Terminated WNM Service Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : 395505.372735 wlan0.A[76832] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x0) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : en0: BSSID changed to 36:81:c4:ae:e1:22 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 254 ms Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : system wake events:menu Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 1, reason -528345085, subreason 0 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:34:11.164 : BTLE scanning started Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:34:11.164 : Scanning mode Contacts Only Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy sharingd[56] : 13:34:11.188 : BTLE scanner Powered On Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy powerd[31] : Wake [CDNVA] due to /: Using BATT (Charge:53%) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy powerd[31] : Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0 Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy discoveryd[3218] : Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.342832]: Disable WoW requested by "apsd" Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.343763]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client assistantd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.344245]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client vmd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.344543]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.344744]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client MobileMail (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.345597]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client itunesstored (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715251.346026]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:11 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle 0 Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : (Note ) PIH: Lock status changed. Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy SpringBoard[50] : Telling backboard to disable secure lock screen. Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy backboardd[53] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3 Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillEnterForeground Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy locationd[3534] : notify name "com.apple.locationd.DumpDiagnostics" has been registered 40 times - this may be a leak Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy CLTM[18] : CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1434022452, last update = 1434022304 Jun 11 13:34:12 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 455714968.2 Jun 11 13:34:13 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: query, cells, 0, 0, 0, 0, wifis, 1 Jun 11 13:34:13 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : id=com.hoccer.Hoccer-XO-Dev pid=4702, state=32 Jun 11 13:34:13 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationWillResignActive Jun 11 13:34:15 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:34:15 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : using server: wss://test1.talk.hoccer.de Jun 11 13:34:15 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : applicationDidBecomeActive Jun 11 13:34:15 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Nearby or worldwide active, defering sync until environment update ready Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync hello Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : beginSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync hello Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncRelationships Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync verifyKey Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync updatePresence Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.690815]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd" Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.691955]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client assistantd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.692193]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client vmd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.692514]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.692723]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client MobileMail (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.692990]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client itunesstored (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:17 Chrissy wifid[35] : WiFi:[455715257.693161]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client dataaccessd (268435460) Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 4f106573-82f6-4862-9c9f-345a277e26cf nick: huawaiiii Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: 13d38d43-5c26-48d2-b95d-3ec2f5eb5839 nick: nexus6 Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: d6f6f497-65c5-4c77-b6e6-4afa1e45d48d nick: razr i dev Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : checkContacts: removing contact with id: ea53c504-8356-4a91-959e-4dc0b885ac75 nick: n6 Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncPresences Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : endSync syncGroups Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Sync finished Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #INFO: resumeDocumentMonitoring: enabling document monitoring Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : setupDocumentDirectoryMonitoring Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : Document Directory file change detected. Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : flushIncomingDeliveriesInContext: found 0 pending incoming deliveries Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy cloudd[4595] : (Note ) MC: User has completed cloud configuration. Not showing UI again. Jun 11 13:34:18 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.35min. Need active time in 62.18min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:19 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 5 Jun 11 13:34:19 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.41min. Need active time in 62.25min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:20 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.45min. Need active time in 62.28min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:21 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.47min. Need active time in 62.30min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:22 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.49min. Need active time in 62.32min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:23 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : HXOBackend KVO: <NSUserDefaults: 0x174055cc0> changed property WorldwideTimeToLive to value { kind = 1; new = 1800; } Jun 11 13:34:24 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.50min. Need active time in 62.34min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:25 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.51min. Need active time in 62.35min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:26 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.52min. Need active time in 62.35min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:27 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.53min. Need active time in 62.36min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:28 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.53min. Need active time in 62.37min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:34:49 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up. Jun 11 13:34:49 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting... Jun 11 13:34:50 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSPublisher - 281050777 Requesting derivatives for 1 files. Jun 11 13:34:50 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Error) PS: Can't retrieve server-side configuration for personID 281050777. Error: NSError: Domain : mstreamdErrorDomain Code : 1000 Desc : Ein interner Kommunikationsfehler ist aufgetreten. Sugg : Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (Cocoa-Fehler 4097.) UserInfo: { NSLocalizedDescription = "Ein interner Kommunikationsfehler ist aufgetreten."; NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (Cocoa-Fehler 4097.)"; NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 \"Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (Cocoa-Fehler 4097.)\" (connection to service named com.apple.mediastream.mstreamd) UserInfo=0x12cd72900 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.apple.mediastream.mstreamd}"; } ...Underlying error: NSError: Domain : NSCocoaErrorDomain Code : 4097 Desc : Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (Cocoa-Fehler 4097.) UserInfo: { NSDebugDescription = "connection to service named com.apple.mediastream.mstreamd"; } Jun 11 13:34:50 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSPublisher - 281050777 Submitting 1 asset collections for publication. Jun 11 13:34:50 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSPublisher - 281050777 Sending metadata... Jun 11 13:34:50 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSPublisher - 281050777 uploading 1 assets... Jun 11 13:34:54 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSPublisher - 281050777 Sending metadata... Jun 11 13:34:54 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: Received push notification for invitations topic: com.apple.mediastream.subscription.push userInfo: { r = 281050777; } Jun 11 13:34:54 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: <MSIOSMediaStreamDaemon: 0x12cd13d90>: Push notification received for My Photo Stream with targetPersonID 281050777. Jun 11 13:34:54 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) mstreamd: <MSPowerBudget: 0x12cd823e0>: Push received. Allowing file transfers to continue for 60.00 seconds Jun 11 13:34:54 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: MSSubscriber - 281050777 Found 1 new asset collections. Jun 11 13:35:08 Chrissy kbd[2453] : -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: mobile~C6643DFD-7913-4F3D-952E-A7AE30FAFC24:UserDictionary Using local storage: 1 Jun 11 13:35:10 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:35:21 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:35:31 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 1 Jun 11 13:35:31 Chrissy kernel[0] : AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType USBHost Jun 11 13:35:32 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) mstreamd: <MSPowerBudget: 0x12cd823e0>: Plugged in to external power. Allowing file transfers. Jun 11 13:35:32 Chrissy ptpd[4709] : ptpd: startResponder Jun 11 13:35:32 Chrissy companion_proxy[4713] : [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices Jun 11 13:35:32 Chrissy ptpd[4709] : Photo library available Jun 11 13:35:32 Chrissy ptpd[4709] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy atc[4710] : (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 06/11/2015 11:35:33±60.00 from "MobileLockdown" Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.47min. Need active time in 62.30min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '262' simulated:'0'. Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Berlin" from "MobileLockdown" with mcc 262 Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy atc[4710] : (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device Jun 11 13:35:33 Chrissy atc[4710] : [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices Jun 11 13:35:34 Chrissy installd[4720] : 0x1001f8000 -[MIClientConnection lookupUninstalledWithOptions:completion:]: Lookup uninstalled requested by atc (pid 4710) with options (null) Jun 11 13:35:34 Chrissy mobile_assertion_agent[4715] : main: Starting up. Jun 11 13:35:34 Chrissy tccd[2469] : Refusing client without bundle identifier (/usr/libexec/routined) Jun 11 13:35:35 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : calling xpc_event_provider_token_fire for client com.apple.OTACrashCopier session com.apple.OTACrashCopier Jun 11 13:35:35 Chrissy syslog_relay[4724] : syslog_relay read 51 total bytes:

ASL is here to serve you

Jun 11 13:35:35 Chrissy syslog_relay[4724] : syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting... Jun 11 13:35:37 Chrissy OTACrashCopier[4725] : (Warn ) <OTACrashCopierController.m __42-[OTACrashCopierController handleRequest:]_block_invoke:445> Creating Power Assertion for 600 secs Jun 11 13:35:37 Chrissy lockdownd[64] : CFStringGetCString error in locklog Jun 11 13:35:38 Chrissy mobile_assertion_agent[4715] : service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes. Jun 11 13:35:39 Chrissy OTACrashCopier[4725] : (Warn ) <OTALogSubmissionOperation.m -[OTALogSubmissionOperation postToServer:forRouting:ofLogs:withConnection:usingParams:]:137> 'job-1-session' sending request of 1461 bytes Jun 11 13:35:42 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.48min. Need active time in 62.31min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:43 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 455715253.0 Jun 11 13:35:43 Chrissy locationd[3534] : NETWORK: query, cells, 0, 0, 0, 0, wifis, 1 Jun 11 13:35:43 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.49min. Need active time in 62.33min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:44 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.51min. Need active time in 62.34min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:45 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.52min. Need active time in 62.35min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:46 Chrissy locationd[3534] : QMI error response: 0x52 82, error: QMI_ERR_INTERNAL 0x03 3 resultType 0 [QMI_ERR_INTERNAL] Jun 11 13:35:46 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.52min. Need active time in 62.36min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:47 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.53min. Need active time in 62.36min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:48 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.54min. Need active time in 62.37min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:50 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.54min. Need active time in 62.37min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:51 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.55min. Need active time in 62.38min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:35:52 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 41.55min. Need active time in 62.38min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min. Jun 11 13:36:01 Chrissy iaptransportd[65] : CIapPortAppleIDBus: Auth timer timeout completed on pAIDBPort:0x136515090, portID:01 downstream port Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'failed', attachmentState 'none', messageId: b533fd39-0afc-46fe-ac9b-a240f73ba5a6 Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'failed', attachmentState 'none', messageId: b533fd39-0afc-46fe-ac9b-a240f73ba5a6 Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'failed', attachmentState 'none', messageId: b533fd39-0afc-46fe-ac9b-a240f73ba5a6 Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: Delivery shouldUpdateState: keeping state deliveredUnseen (level 3), not changing to lower state delivering (level 2) Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: Delivery shouldUpdateState: keeping state deliveredUnseen (level 3), not changing to lower state delivering (level 2) Jun 11 13:36:07 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: Delivery shouldUpdateState: keeping state deliveredUnseen (level 3), not changing to lower state delivering (level 2) Jun 11 13:36:12 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) mstreamd: Not monitoring for external power. Jun 11 13:36:12 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping. Jun 11 13:36:12 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Note ) AS: <MSIOSAlbumSharingDaemon: 0x12ce4f160>: Shared Streams daemon has shut down. Jun 11 13:36:12 Chrissy mstreamd[4708] : (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down. Jun 11 13:36:16 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '262' simulated:'0'. Jun 11 13:36:16 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Berlin" from "Location" with mcc 262 Jun 11 13:36:16 Chrissy timed[55] : (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Berlin from Location because time zone is unchanged Jun 11 13:36:18 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:24 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:25 Chrissy apsd[88] : Silent Push: Deny app not available. Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy kernel[0] : xpcproxy[4731] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E12ABADC-FFDD-4D34-ACF7-3B27B03EFA0A (sandbox) Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy Stocks[4731] : assertion failed: 12F70: libxpc.dylib + 71768 [B870B51D-AA85-3686-A7D9-ACD48C5FE153]: 0x7d Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy Unknown[4731] : Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy UserEventAgent[18] : Tracking com.apple.stocks (via activity) Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy Stocks[4731] : StocksPreferences shared container path: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/8BE4F089-4900-44B8-963A-0D45C2D84D5D/ Jun 11 13:36:26 Chrissy Stocks[4731] : SPDeviceConnection, createXPCConnection, invalidationHandler Jun 11 13:36:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:28 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:28 Chrissy syncdefaultsd[4732] : (Note ) marked "com.me.keyvalueservice" topic as "opportunistic" on <APSConnection: 0x15561a320> Jun 11 13:36:29 Chrissy syncdefaultsd[4732] : (Note ) marked "com.me.keyvalueservice" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x15561a320> Jun 11 13:36:33 Chrissy locationd[3534] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1 Jun 11 13:36:57 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : deliveriesReady Jun 11 13:36:57 Chrissy Hoccer Dev[4702] : #WARNING: outgoingDelivery notification received with unchanged state 'failed', attachmentState 'none', messageId: 253da90d-e3fc-4a94-ba24-6c6413c03750

pavel-mayer commented 9 years ago