hoccer / hoccer-xo-iphone

iOS Client
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Performance issues on iPhone6 with large data base #759

Closed ChristianeMussmacher closed 8 years ago

ChristianeMussmacher commented 9 years ago

Attached the log files of Jerome's account running on the latest iPhone6 (8.4.1).

There are two cases where loss in performance is recognized:

In both cases, the app freezes for several seconds or app is bucking

Logs of full sync:

Sep  4 14:13:19 iPhone-JGDC ubd[6634] : iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated,  
using bird instead (May 29 2015 : 17:29:51).
Sep  4 14:13:21 iPhone-JGDC kernel[0] : xpcproxy[6635] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713 (sandbox)
Sep  4 14:13:21 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : assertion failed: 12H143: libxpc.dylib + 71768 [C9F3C08A-8A3B-3849-A905-D24911240853]: 0x7d
Sep  4 14:13:21 iPhone-JGDC Unknown[6635] : 
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : defaultEnvironment=production, overrideEnvironment=(null), using environment production
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Removing tmp directory at path /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/tmp/
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Removed tmp directory at URL /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/tmp/
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Running with environment production
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : INFO: App has crashed since last launch, lastActiveDate 2015-09-04 12:10:48 +0000, lastDeactivationDate 2015-09-03 13:45:23 +0000
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : isFirstRun:0, isRegistered:1
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : AppDelegate: Registered messageReceivedObserver = <__NSObserver: 0x174050cb0>
Sep  4 14:13:22 iPhone-JGDC kernel[0] : IOReturn IOAsynchronousScheduler::checkAndQueueArgument(IOAsynchronousScheduler::ArgumentEntry *): max argument count (128) reached. Notify a few first.
Sep  4 14:13:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : applicationDidBecomeActive
Sep  4 14:13:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : got APNS deviceToken: a8968a200ee2db8af204f01a2d533846dcd7e9429abb2c8faab04e66906e0e6e 
Sep  4 14:13:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for .
Sep  4 14:13:25 iPhone-JGDC UserEventAgent[20] : id=com.artcom.Hoccer pid=6635, state=32
Sep  4 14:13:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : applicationWillResignActive
Sep  4 14:13:25 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:13:26 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:13:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : using server: wss://talkserver.talk.hoccer.de
Sep  4 14:13:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : applicationDidBecomeActive
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Running forced full sync
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync hello
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync syncPresences
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync syncRelationships
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync verifyKey
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync updatePresence
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : beginSync syncGroups
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync hello
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync syncRelationships
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync verifyKey
Sep  4 14:13:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync updatePresence
Sep  4 14:13:28 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync syncPresences
Sep  4 14:13:28 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : endSync syncGroups
Sep  4 14:13:28 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Sync finished
Sep  4 14:13:28 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : flushOutgoingMessages: finished
Sep  4 14:13:29 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : #INFO: resumeDocumentMonitoring: enabling document monitoring
Sep  4 14:13:29 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : setupDocumentDirectoryMonitoring
Sep  4 14:13:29 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Document Directory file change detected.
Sep  4 14:13:29 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:13:29 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : flushIncomingDeliveriesInContext: found 0 pending incoming deliveries
Sep  4 14:13:30 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 1
Sep  4 14:13:31 iPhone-JGDC kernel[0] : ART: 30 4f 02 01 00 30 28 02 02 61 21 04 14 91 c5 8d 97 a8 6d 28 76 e6 63 b9 3d 2a 47 e4 53 17 37 8d e2 04 00 04 00 31 08 c0 02 3b e3 c1 02 36 6c 04 20 71 ac ac ec c2 bc ec 38 93 9f 63 cf ff b4 51 d9 32 df 34 fa 4e 3a eb b3 08 d7 e9 f2 97 03 d6 1b 
Sep  4 14:13:32 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6632] : (Note ) mstreamd: Not monitoring for external power.
Sep  4 14:13:32 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6632] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Sep  4 14:13:32 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6632] : (Note ) AS: : Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Sep  4 14:13:32 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6632] : (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Sep  4 14:13:32 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6636] : (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Sep  4 14:13:33 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6636] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Sep  4 14:13:34 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Counting all 8346 attachments took 0.016 secs
Sep  4 14:13:34 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 0 took 0.167 secs
Sep  4 14:13:34 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 200 took 0.169 secs
Sep  4 14:13:34 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 400 took 0.195 secs
Sep  4 14:13:34 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 600 took 0.186 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 800 took 0.206 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1000 took 0.184 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1200 took 0.154 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1400 took 0.198 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1600 took 0.196 secs
Sep  4 14:13:35 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1800 took 0.199 secs
Sep  4 14:13:36 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2000 took 0.241 secs
Sep  4 14:13:36 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2200 took 0.181 secs
Sep  4 14:13:36 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2400 took 0.205 secs
Sep  4 14:13:36 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2600 took 0.330 secs
Sep  4 14:13:37 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2800 took 0.341 secs
Sep  4 14:13:37 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3000 took 0.409 secs
Sep  4 14:13:38 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3200 took 0.440 secs
Sep  4 14:13:38 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3400 took 0.328 secs
Sep  4 14:13:38 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3600 took 0.389 secs
Sep  4 14:13:39 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3800 took 0.421 secs
Sep  4 14:13:39 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4000 took 0.435 secs
Sep  4 14:13:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4200 took 0.354 secs
Sep  4 14:13:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4400 took 0.370 secs
Sep  4 14:13:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4600 took 0.392 secs
Sep  4 14:13:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4800 took 0.415 secs
Sep  4 14:13:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5000 took 0.324 secs
Sep  4 14:13:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5200 took 0.352 secs
Sep  4 14:13:42 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5400 took 0.266 secs
Sep  4 14:13:42 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5600 took 0.333 secs
Sep  4 14:13:42 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:13:42 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5800 took 0.469 secs
Sep  4 14:13:43 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6000 took 0.288 secs
Sep  4 14:13:43 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6200 took 0.357 secs
Sep  4 14:13:44 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6400 took 0.448 secs
Sep  4 14:13:44 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6600 took 0.491 secs
Sep  4 14:13:45 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6800 took 0.500 secs
Sep  4 14:13:45 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7000 took 0.477 secs
Sep  4 14:13:46 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7200 took 0.505 secs
Sep  4 14:13:46 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7400 took 0.452 secs
Sep  4 14:13:46 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7600 took 0.499 secs
Sep  4 14:13:47 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7800 took 0.542 secs
Sep  4 14:13:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 8000 took 0.517 secs
Sep  4 14:13:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Done fetch request for 146 attachments from 8200 took 0.384 secs
Sep  4 14:13:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Fetching all 8346 attachments took 14.327 secs
Sep  4 14:13:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Start sorting 8346 attachments
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Sorting 8346 attachments took 0.935 secs
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : Making 8346 unique attachments took 0.128 secs
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:51 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:13:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6635] : WARNING: no image url
**Logs receiving attachments:**
Sep  4 14:08:31 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:08:35 iPhone-JGDC SpringBoard[54] : The view controller  returned NO from -shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: for all interface orientations. It should support at least one orientation.
Sep  4 14:08:38 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : applicationWillEnterForeground
Sep  4 14:08:38 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:08:38 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : applicationDidBecomeActive
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC UserEventAgent[20] : id=com.artcom.Hoccer pid=6310, state=32
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : applicationWillResignActive
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : using server: wss://talkserver.talk.hoccer.de
Sep  4 14:08:39 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : applicationDidBecomeActive
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync hello
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync syncPresences
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync syncRelationships
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync verifyKey
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync updatePresence
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : beginSync syncGroups
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync hello
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync syncRelationships
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync verifyKey
Sep  4 14:08:40 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync updatePresence
Sep  4 14:08:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync syncPresences
Sep  4 14:08:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : endSync syncGroups
Sep  4 14:08:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Sync finished
Sep  4 14:08:41 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : flushOutgoingMessages: finished
Sep  4 14:08:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : #INFO: resumeDocumentMonitoring: enabling document monitoring
Sep  4 14:08:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : setupDocumentDirectoryMonitoring
Sep  4 14:08:48 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Document Directory file change detected.
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : flushIncomingDeliveriesInContext: found 0 pending incoming deliveries
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : didReceiveRemoteNotification {
        aps =     {
            alert =         {
                "loc-args" =             (
                "loc-key" = "apn_new_messages";
            badge = 3;
            sound = default;
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : didReceiveRemoteNotification - not running in background
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : INFO: Message hmac is ok for id 85192923-ef9f-4068-a273-bb5f68e2780a
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 5
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : INFO: Message hmac is ok for id 3ab6024d-5430-48f2-af29-d01d1b953f23
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : receiveMessage: posting notification: receivedNewHXOMessage
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : AppDelegate: Message received observed
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : AppDelegate: Message received, but notifications not shown, message = (entity: HXOMessage; id: 0xd000000217340008 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/HXOMessage/p34253 ; data: {
        attachment = "0xd00000009cc40006 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Attachment/p10033";
        attachmentFileId = "b2c2ad9f-95de-4750-99f1-be68f5b1d9a2";
        body = "";
        cachedAttachmentAspect = 0;
        cachedBuildNumber = nil;
        cachedLandscapeCellHeight = 0;
        cachedMessageFontSize = 0;
        cachedPortraitCellHeight = 0;
        computedTimeSection = "";
        contact = "0xd000000006d80004 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Contact/p438";
        deliveries =     (
            "0xd00000022fd0000a x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Delivery/p35828"
        destinationMAC = <4f621d1a dc9139e5 61250d77 7f58f33a 96cc2b26 ad72311b 758204fb a368e905>;
        isOutgoingFlag = 0;
        isReadFlag = 0;
        messageId = "85192923-ef9f-4068-a273-bb5f68e2780a";
        messageTag = "T2IdGtyROeVhJQ13f1jzOpbMKyatcjEbdYIE+6No6QU=";
        outgoingCryptoKey = nil;
        salt = nil;
        senderId = "8ebb8967-e6bb-4b9f-bcce-d40346ed9a21";
        sharedKeyId = nil;
        sharedKeyIdSalt = nil;
        signature = nil;
        sourceMAC = <4f621d1a dc9139e5 61250d77 7f58f33a 96cc2b26 ad72311b 758204fb a368e905>;
        timeAccepted = "2015-09-04 12:08:33 +0000";
        timeReceived = "2015-09-04 12:08:49 +0000";
        timeSection = "2015-09-04 12:08:33 +0000";
        timeSent = "2015-09-04 12:08:33 +0000";
    }), background = 0, appState = 0
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : receiveMessage: posting notification: receivedNewHXOMessage
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : AppDelegate: Message received observed
Sep  4 14:08:49 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : AppDelegate: Message received, but notifications not shown, message = (entity: HXOMessage; id: 0xd000000217380008 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/HXOMessage/p34254 ; data: {
        attachment = "0xd00000009cc80006 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Attachment/p10034";
        attachmentFileId = "3cac6ef7-1fa4-497d-b1d1-98c74961183a";
        body = "";
        cachedAttachmentAspect = 0;
        cachedBuildNumber = nil;
        cachedLandscapeCellHeight = 0;
        cachedMessageFontSize = 0;
        cachedPortraitCellHeight = 0;
        computedTimeSection = "";
        contact = "0xd000000006d80004 x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Contact/p438";
        deliveries =     (
            "0xd00000022fd4000a x-coredata://52600216-88BC-4A74-B82F-C4FA788808C9/Delivery/p35829"
        destinationMAC = ;
        isOutgoingFlag = 0;
        isReadFlag = 0;
        messageId = "3ab6024d-5430-48f2-af29-d01d1b953f23";
        messageTag = "paVo68zwuLbBOR3YwObGtwKgfILao1kYU+UmhbPG00k=";
        outgoingCryptoKey = nil;
        salt = nil;
        senderId = "8ebb8967-e6bb-4b9f-bcce-d40346ed9a21";
        sharedKeyId = nil;
        sharedKeyIdSalt = nil;
        signature = nil;
        sourceMAC = ;
        timeAccepted = "2015-09-04 12:08:35 +0000";
        timeReceived = "2015-09-04 12:08:49 +0000";
        timeSection = "2015-09-04 12:08:33 +0000";
        timeSent = "2015-09-04 12:08:35 +0000";
    }), background = 0, appState = 0
Sep  4 14:08:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Attachment: registering background task...
Sep  4 14:08:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : #INFO: startedBackgroundTask: running = 1
Sep  4 14:08:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Attachment: registering background task...
Sep  4 14:08:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : #INFO: startedBackgroundTask: running = 2
Sep  4 14:08:50 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6606] : (Note ) mstreamd: Not monitoring for external power.
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6606] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6606] : (Note ) AS: : Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6606] : (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Sep  4 14:08:51 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Moved temporary file from file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/Documents/.temporary/image.jpeg to permanent location file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/Documents/image_92.jpeg
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeDestMac: MAC=eX4nPFhC/y2Ck9N7Mf/IVz+AlPRNz4qSldNY9Q+C9sw= ok
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Attachment: unregistering background task...
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : #INFO: finishedBackgroundTask: running = 1
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Moved temporary file from file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/Documents/.temporary/image_1.jpeg to permanent location file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/Documents/image_1_91.jpeg
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeDestMac: MAC=/h5f+K8TbP8h4CyXG+Cnsk3ZAw6BmhV8PphDp5SBhX0= ok
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Attachment: unregistering background task...
Sep  4 14:08:52 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : #INFO: finishedBackgroundTask: running = 0
Sep  4 14:08:53 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : '' (pid = 6339) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Sep  4 14:08:53 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:08:53 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:08:53 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:08:53 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:08:54 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Document Directory file change detected.
Sep  4 14:08:55 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : handleDocumentDirectoryChanges 6
Sep  4 14:08:58 iPhone-JGDC SpringBoard[54] : Application 'UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilephone[0xaabd]' was killed by jetsam.
Sep  4 14:08:58 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:08:58 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : '' (pid = 6324) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Sep  4 14:08:59 iPhone-JGDC sharingd[60] : 14:08:59.329 : SDConnectionManager:: XPC connection invalidated
Sep  4 14:08:59 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistryd[6608] : [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Sep  4 14:09:00 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Counting all 8346 attachments took 0.008 secs
Sep  4 14:09:00 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 0 took 0.197 secs
Sep  4 14:09:00 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 200 took 0.206 secs
Sep  4 14:09:00 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 400 took 0.235 secs
Sep  4 14:09:00 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 600 took 0.227 secs
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 800 took 0.259 secs
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1000 took 0.230 secs
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1200 took 0.193 secs
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : openWithInteractionController: uti=public.jpeg, name = image.jpeg url = file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DE967D26-AA94-4799-A40B-26CFE8259713/Documents/image_1_91.jpeg
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC quicklookd[6610] : assertion failed: 12H143: libxpc.dylib + 71768 [C9F3C08A-8A3B-3849-A905-D24911240853]: 0x7d
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC Unknown[6610] : 
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 'FigPlayer - 5872' (pid = 5872) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None
Sep  4 14:09:01 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:01.997095 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopping to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:02.006539 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:02.012609 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopped to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:02.016816 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client started to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1400 took 0.656 secs
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1600 took 0.252 secs
Sep  4 14:09:02 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 1800 took 0.241 secs
Sep  4 14:09:03 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2000 took 0.299 secs
Sep  4 14:09:03 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2200 took 0.219 secs
Sep  4 14:09:03 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2400 took 0.241 secs
Sep  4 14:09:03 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2600 took 0.370 secs
Sep  4 14:09:04 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 2800 took 0.459 secs
Sep  4 14:09:04 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3000 took 0.490 secs
Sep  4 14:09:05 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3200 took 0.504 secs
Sep  4 14:09:05 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3400 took 0.377 secs
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3600 took 0.440 secs
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.companionfindlocallyd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanoprefsyncd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.resourcegrabberd.companion.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.addressbooksyncd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanomapscd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.pairedsyncd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.screenshotsyncd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.companioncamerad.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.companionproximityd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanomailbootstrapd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nptocompaniond.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.NPKCompanionAgent.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanoappregistryd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.remotemediaservicesd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.companionmessagesd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanomediaremotelinkagent.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanosystemsettingsd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.pairedunlockd-phone.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.bulletindistributord.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.eventkitsyncd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.companionappd.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC nanoregistrylaunchd[6611] : Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons/com.apple.nanophone.server.plist
Sep  4 14:09:06 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 3800 took 0.604 secs
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4000 took 0.492 secs
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4200 took 0.426 secs
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 'FigPlayer - 5872' (pid = 5872) setting DiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_None, currentDiscoveryMode = DiscoveryMode_PresenceScan
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:07.703917 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopping to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:07.705933 PM [AirPlay] BTLE discovery removing all devices
Sep  4 14:09:07 iPhone-JGDC mediaserverd[22] : 2015-09-04 02:09:07.708337 PM [AirPlay] BTLE discovery stopped
Sep  4 14:09:08 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4400 took 0.434 secs
Sep  4 14:09:08 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4600 took 0.461 secs
Sep  4 14:09:09 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 4800 took 0.467 secs
Sep  4 14:09:09 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5000 took 0.388 secs
Sep  4 14:09:09 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5200 took 0.497 secs
Sep  4 14:09:10 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5400 took 0.344 secs
Sep  4 14:09:10 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5600 took 0.389 secs
Sep  4 14:09:11 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 5800 took 0.558 secs
Sep  4 14:09:11 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6000 took 0.360 secs
Sep  4 14:09:12 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6200 took 0.435 secs
Sep  4 14:09:12 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6400 took 0.538 secs
Sep  4 14:09:13 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6600 took 0.587 secs
Sep  4 14:09:13 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 6800 took 0.562 secs
Sep  4 14:09:14 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7000 took 0.555 secs
Sep  4 14:09:14 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7200 took 0.560 secs
Sep  4 14:09:15 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7400 took 0.669 secs
Sep  4 14:09:16 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7600 took 0.544 secs
Sep  4 14:09:17 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 7800 took 1.107 secs
Sep  4 14:09:18 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 200 attachments from 8000 took 1.043 secs
Sep  4 14:09:19 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Done fetch request for 146 attachments from 8200 took 0.836 secs
Sep  4 14:09:19 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Fetching all 8346 attachments took 18.977 secs
Sep  4 14:09:19 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Start sorting 8346 attachments
Sep  4 14:09:19 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Sorting 8346 attachments took 0.940 secs
Sep  4 14:09:20 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : Making 8346 unique attachments took 0.094 secs
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:22 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:23 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:24 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:25 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:26 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : ERROR: both urls are nil, could not determine content size
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : computeSourceMac: MAC=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
Sep  4 14:09:27 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : WARNING: no image url
Sep  4 14:09:30 iPhone-JGDC Hoccer[6310] : deliveriesReady
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Note ) mstreamd: Not monitoring for external power.
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Note ) AS: : Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6607] : (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6613] : (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Sep  4 14:09:31 iPhone-JGDC mstreamd[6613] : (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Sep  4 14:09:48 iPhone-JGDC locationd[5656] : Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 1, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 1