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react-graph-vis 연구 #8

Open hochan222 opened 4 years ago

hochan222 commented 4 years ago

react-graph-vis를 사용해봅시다!

hochan222 commented 4 years ago

Documentation: https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/docs/network/ https://github.com/crubier/react-graph-vis

There are three ways how to import Vis Network:

  1. Standalone build:

    • simple to use (link/require/import a single file),
    • CSS included and automatically injected into the page,
    • JavaScript dependencies bundled,
    • doesn't work with other Vis family packages,
    • example usage,
    • linkable files on unpkg.
  2. Peer build:

    • in case of UMD Vis Data and Vis Util have to be loaded manually,
    • in case of ESM DataSets, DataViews etc. have to be loaded from Vis Data,
    • CSS has to be included separately,
    • works with other Vis family packages,
    • example usage,
    • linkable files on unpkg.
  3. Legacy build:

    • kept only for backward compatibility, please don't use,
    • contains Moment which is not used by Vis Network (aka bloatware),
    • CSS has to be included sepparately,
    • JavaScript dependencies bundled,
    • doesn't play well with tree shaking,
    • doesn't work with other Vis family packages,
    • example usage,
    • linkable files on unpkg.


hochan222 commented 4 years ago


Kamada Kawai 알고리즘을 사용