hoche / splat

SPLAT! is an RF Signal Propagation, Loss, And Terrain analysis tool for the spectrum between 20 MHz and 20 GHz. This is a copy of the code written by John Magliacane, heavily modified to clean up the code and take advantage of multithreading. This incorporates John's antenna height modifications from the as-yet-unreleased SPLAT 1.4.3.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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QTH file altitude as absolute altitude instead of AGL #43

Open KyleMaas opened 1 month ago

KyleMaas commented 1 month ago

It would be really handy if I could specify transmitter sites using absolute height data (which I already have) instead of having to find the average ground level of the site and subtract it to get an AGL value.

hoche commented 1 month ago

We should really overhaul the whole way the terrain data is handled - the preprocessing is sort of silly considering the kind of CPU horsepower even the dinkiest computer has these days. As for your particular request, maybe we can have some extra field that declares that you're defining it as AGL vs MSL.