hoehermann / purple-gowhatsapp

Pidgin/libpurple plugin for WhatsApp Web.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Attach binaries to release #172

Open beadon opened 11 months ago

beadon commented 11 months ago

I would like to attach the libraries (and/or packages) to the github release.

Details - https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository

This would :

  1. remove the need for a nightly build system
  2. only require building when releases are made
  3. reduce traffic load on the build webserver, relying instead on github to serve up the compiled artifacts.
  4. take 1 step closer to testing driven with github actions.
  5. reduce overhead/maintenance, and perhaps costs(?)

Open to discussion.

hoehermann commented 11 months ago

Hi Bryant

Thank you for the suggestion. I am aware of the github "Releases" section. It is just that building locally and uploading the build artifacts manually bores me and feels tedious.

I feel I need to make something clear about point "2. only require building when releases are made": I wrote it in the past and I will write it again: Updated builds need to be provided whenever whatsmeow is updated. That happens rather frequently. I prefer having a build system over doing it manually.

github access tokens have become quite intricate. Maybe there is a way I can push build artifacts from the build system to the release page automatically.

beadon commented 11 months ago

yes, I hear you on 2 , I think there's an opportunity to build if the downstream dependencies change. It should be right in this mix to trigger the flow: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows

...and for attaching things in a non-boring way once that build from the build system is done, then it appears this is the tool to use to stuff the artifacts onto a github release : https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact . I have done nothing more than very basic research here.

This also means a decent set of testing to catch integration problems and flag them, but maybe the workflow trigger is the place to start, then you're only building as-needed ( probably needs a control to prevent building TOO often , -- prevent building more than 4x? per day. )

hoehermann commented 10 months ago

As a follow-up to this discussion, I educated myself on github Actions. Previously, I was under the impression that I had to provide my own runner or pay for the service. Apparently, I was mistaken. Or times have changed. Anyway, building via github actions is free. I managed to create https://github.com/hoehermann/purple-gowhatsapp/blob/ghactions/.github/workflows/build.yml, which produces a win32 build. :)

The build is triggered by pushing to the repository only. No nightly builds happen when whatsmeow changes. Not ideal, but it is a step towards providing releases here on github in an automated fashion.

My eagerness to fiddle around with github Actions is satisfied for now. A workflow building a package for Ubuntu may be created later or by someone else.

Update: While the github runner indeed does produce a binary, it is not actually usable (crashes on load). :| Writing the action was tedious enough with these issues:

Apparently, the github-provided windows image is just not made for 32 bit builds. To be fair, I can understand that.

Update: I managed to use MSYS2 for building and the result is actually usable. :)

beadon commented 8 months ago

sweet !

hoehermann commented 1 month ago

While I could not make it work more than once, I am now offering the build straight from the github action runner via https://nightly.link/hoehermann/purple-gowhatsapp/workflows/build/whatsmeow/libwhatsmeow.dll.zip.