hoeken / PsychicHttp

Simple + Robust HTTP/S server with websockets for ESP32 based on ESP-IDF http server.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Crash on event.send() after a while. #97

Open hitecSmartHome opened 1 month ago

hitecSmartHome commented 1 month ago

Hi! Amazing lib. I had a crash on event.send() the last day.

==================== CURRENT THREAD STACK =====================
#0  0x401d1464 in httpd_sess_get (hd=0x40000de8, sockfd=1073743892) at C:\Users\Pc\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40407.0\components\esp_http_server\src\httpd_sess.c:167
#1  0x401d1ddc in httpd_socket_send (hd=0x40000de8, sockfd=1073743892, buf=0x3fff2434 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fff2434>, buf_len=557, flags=0) at C:\Users\Pc\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40407.0\components\esp_http_server\src\httpd_txrx.c:605
#2  0x401ad5f1 in PsychicEventSourceClient::sendEvent (this=0x3ffe4364, event=0x3fff2434 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fff2434>) at lib/PsychicHttp/src/PsychicEventSource.cpp:151
#3  0x401ad792 in PsychicEventSource::send (this=0x3ffb3c58 <events>, message=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>, id=1717333565, reconnect=0) at lib/PsychicHttp/src/PsychicEventSource.cpp:123
#4  0x40174017 in HsHServer::sendEvent (this=<optimized out>, type=0x3f409767 "ThermState", doc=...) at src/Server/Event.cpp:60
#5  0x40125f99 in <lambda()>::operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at src/Components/Thermostat/Thermostat.cpp:156
#6  std::_Function_handler<void(), Thermostat::sendPeriodicData()::<lambda()> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &) (__functor=...) at c:\users\pc\.platformio\packages       oolchain-xtensa-esp32@8.4.0+2021r2-patch5\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\8.4.0\bits/std_function.h:297
#7  0x400d4135 in std::function<void ()>::operator()() const (this=0x3ffd1000) at c:\users\pc\.platformio\packages      oolchain-xtensa-esp32@8.4.0+2021r2-patch5\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\8.4.0\bits/std_function.h:687
#8  0x40193027 in Sys::handleIntervals (this=0x3ffb3eac <hshSystem>) at src/System/SystemInterval.cpp:55
#9  0x4018c9e1 in Sys::loop (this=0x3ffb3eac <hshSystem>) at src/System/System.cpp:545
#10 0x4018ca08 in systemTask (pvParameters=<optimized out>) at src/System/System.cpp:554

I have this wrapper around events.send()

void HsHServer::sendEvent(const char* type, JsonDocument& doc) {
    if (!hasEventClient() && !serverRouter.connected()) { return; }
    const size_t size = measureJson(doc) + 1;
    char* buffer;
    if (!hshSystem.alloc(buffer, size)) { return; }
    serializeJson(doc, buffer, size);
    events.send(buffer, type, hshTime.getEpoch());

This method called frequently. The crash clearly was in here

#0  0x401d1464 in httpd_sess_get (hd=0x40000de8, sockfd=1073743892) at C:\Users\Pc\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40407.0\components\esp_http_server\src\httpd_sess.c:167
#1  0x401d1ddc in httpd_socket_send (hd=0x40000de8, sockfd=1073743892, buf=0x3fff2434 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fff2434>, buf_len=557, flags=0) at C:\Users\Pc\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf@3.40407.0\components\esp_http_server\src\httpd_txrx.c:605
#2  0x401ad5f1 in PsychicEventSourceClient::sendEvent (this=0x3ffe4364, event=0x3fff2434 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fff2434>) at lib/PsychicHttp/src/PsychicEventSource.cpp:151
#3  0x401ad792 in PsychicEventSource::send (this=0x3ffb3c58 <events>, message=<optimized out>, event=<optimized out>, id=1717333565, reconnect=0) at lib/PsychicHttp/src/PsychicEventSource.cpp:123

The esp was working great. It was up for 2 and a half days but crashed with this error.

Any idea?

hitecSmartHome commented 1 month ago

This portion of the code looks unfinished in PsychicEventSource.cpp

void PsychicEventSourceClient::sendEvent(const char *event) {
  if( !this->server() || !this->socket() ){
  int result;
  do {
    result = httpd_socket_send(this->server(), this->socket(), event, strlen(event), 0);
  } while (result == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT);

  //if (result < 0)
  //error log here

httpd_socket_send API states the following


Bytes : The number of bytes sent successfully
- HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments
- HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket send()
- HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket send()
This API is not recommended to be used in any request handler.
Use this only for advanced use cases, wherein some asynchronous data is to be sent over a socket.
This internally calls the default send function, or the function registered by httpd_sess_set_send_override().

Why is there a do while loop? Can't we just do this?

void PsychicEventSourceClient::sendEvent(const char *event) {
  if( !this->server() || !this->socket() ){return;}
  httpd_socket_send(this->server(), this->socket(), event, strlen(event), 0);

or better

bool PsychicEventSourceClient::sendEvent(const char *event) {
  if( !this->server() || !this->socket() ){return false;}
  int result = httpd_socket_send(this->server(), this->socket(), event, strlen(event), 0);
  if( result == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID || result == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT || result == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL ){
      return false;
  return true;
hitecSmartHome commented 1 month ago

For sure something is fishy in here