use Inline Lua => <<LUA;
-- add /smp/<vhost>/lib to the lua path
package.path = './?.lua;' .. package.path
-- load templating library
local slt2 = require('slt2')
-- renders the template using the provided vars.
function render_lua(template, vars, funcs)
local api = { substring = string.sub, luacall = luacall }
for n,fn in pairs(funcs) do
api[n] = fn
templ = string.gsub(template,string.char(31), ",");
local tmpl = slt2.loadstring(templ, '<%', '%>')
return slt2.render(tmpl, vars, api)
sub mysub {
print shift." !\n";
sub myreturn {
return shift;
my $i = 0;
while($i < 10) {
my $context = {};
$context->{s} = "00010002";
"<%= subaddr(ext(s)) %>" ,
ext => sub { my $a = shift; my $b = " brol"; return $a.$b."\n"; },
subaddr => \&myreturn,
debug => \&mysub,
I execute this command that is finding leaks : perl -MTest::LeakTrace::Script=-verbose testcase.pl
I found a way to fix but I would like your input :)
The SvREFCNT_inc increments the reference counter of the return values of the perl functions and I am not sure if you did it on purpose ... I mean, did you make it to be sure the perl garbage collector wouldn't clear those values or is it a mistake ?
Here is the patch :
--- a/Lua.xs
+++ b/Lua.xs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) {
int offset = nresults - i - 1;
SV *val = *(sp - offset);
- SvREFCNT_inc(val);
+// SvREFCNT_inc(val);
push_val(L, val);
/* pop all in one go */
I found out Inline::Lua is leaking memory.
Here is a sample code (note that it uses this project -> https://github.com/henix/slt2 ) :
I execute this command that is finding leaks :
perl -MTest::LeakTrace::Script=-verbose testcase.pl
I found a way to fix but I would like your input :)
The SvREFCNT_inc increments the reference counter of the return values of the perl functions and I am not sure if you did it on purpose ... I mean, did you make it to be sure the perl garbage collector wouldn't clear those values or is it a mistake ?
Here is the patch :