Currently has included with it's source installation. In it also uses ez_setup:
from ez_setup import use_setuptools
ez_setup is an antiquated python packaging system and probably should no longer be used. When Segway is installed it also places ez_setup on the PYTHONPATH which caused Segtools to fail previously when it required it, but did not include itself.
This is a suggestion to remove the dependency altogether.
Original report (BitBucket issue) by Eric Roberts (Bitbucket: ericr86, GitHub: ericr86).
Currently has included with it's source installation. In it also uses ez_setup:
ez_setup is an antiquated python packaging system and probably should no longer be used. When Segway is installed it also places ez_setup on the PYTHONPATH which caused Segtools to fail previously when it required it, but did not include itself.
This is a suggestion to remove the dependency altogether.