In particular, 62077214.6800 seconds is 718 days which is impossible. There are a number of other entries like this--in particular, it occurred for every round in this run.
I believe Segway reports the CPU usage directly from SGE (which is in seconds) so this might be an SGE bug when significant CPU resources are used, rather than a Segway bug.
The following SGE thread seems related but I'm unsure if it's exactly the problem we're experiencing: link
Original report (BitBucket issue) by Rachel Chan (Bitbucket: rcwchan).
I was checking through the CPU times in the for one of my runs and noticed some seemingly impossible CPU times:
For example,
In particular, 62077214.6800 seconds is 718 days which is impossible. There are a number of other entries like this--in particular, it occurred for every round in this run.
I believe Segway reports the CPU usage directly from SGE (which is in seconds) so this might be an SGE bug when significant CPU resources are used, rather than a Segway bug.
The following SGE thread seems related but I'm unsure if it's exactly the problem we're experiencing: link