hoffstadt / DearPyGui

Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
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[Hope to update the tutorial][Node Editor] #2428

Open monkeycc opened 1 week ago

monkeycc commented 1 week ago



Hope to update the tutorial

nvglucifer commented 1 week ago

This image is ComfyUI, not DPG's,

I think the DPG docs is enough that it let you know those 3 data: link_id, link_id1, link_id2. Lot of thing docs will not do research for you.

Either link_callback or delink_callback can further get info about the link or link's input/output (which attribute belong to which node). Using get_item_parent, get_item_children, get_item_type, get_item_alias, get_item_configuration, get_item_info, get_item_rect*, ... like there are 27 get_item in the api docs.

Then you control the data yourself (graph theory, serialize/deserialize file, spawn/kill thread/process, connect/modify database,...). I think these points will help in controlling the data:

I hope you will investigate the site-packages\dearpygui\dearpygui.py file, view this file in vscode you can search these: