hoglet67 / MMFS

Modern SD Card File System for Acorn 8-bit Machine (Master, Beeb, Electron)
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shift-m-break on MMFS2 no longer boots (as previous MMFS 1.28 did) #27

Open richud opened 3 years ago

richud commented 3 years ago

Hi - upgraded from MMFS 1.28 where everything was working nicely to MMFS2 1.49, and shift-m-break no longer boots. I get 'Drive empty' However if I do CARD, then DBOOT it boots the root boot menu (boot.ssd) up ok. If I move the MMFS2 rom higher than DFS rom I get a long constant beeping noise (several seconds) but then it does come up ok,and shift-break will boot the menu. (I have a standard BBC B issue 7, built and using MMFSV2/U/MMFS.rom) Presumably shift-m-break should still work? Am I missing something? (originally posted on stardot) Many thanks for all your hard work on such a brilliant project !

hoglet67 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the bug report.

MMFS2 is not officially supported, at least not by me, and it seems that Bobbi has been less active of late.

Sorry, I'm don't really have any further suggestions for you.

I'll leave this issue open for now, and tag it with MMFSv2.