hoglet67 / MMFS

Modern SD Card File System for Acorn 8-bit Machine (Master, Beeb, Electron)
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MMFS with BeebEm 4.19 #36

Closed marrold closed 9 months ago

marrold commented 9 months ago

Thanks for creating MMFS!

I'm attempting to follow these instructions to mount a MMFS v1 .mmb file in BeebEm, however it complains that C://beeb.mmb is not present.

I've attempted placing a mmc.cfg file in the BeebEm program directory, the directory in My Documents, and the same directory as the .dll but it seems like the cfg isn't being read and it's still trying to load C://beeb.mmb. I've double checked and there's no carriage returns or other characters in the file, just the path to the .mmb

Has something changed in 4.19? Any thoughts appreciated.

hoglet67 commented 9 months ago

The MMBeebXL.dll extension to BeebEm is not something I can easily support, because I don't routinely use BeebEm (or Windows) myself.

But I'll try to help as best I can...

The wiki page linked to an old version of MMBeebXL.dll that was posted on stardot in 2019. Since then, Martin Mather has released a new version on github: https://github.com/mmbeeb/MMBeebXL

With this new version, the default path for the BEEB.MMB file is


So most users shouldn't need to mess around with mmc.cfg files any more.

Note, this new version also needs MMFS 1.50 or later to work, as the hardware address of the MMC interface on the Model B changed from FE18 to FE1C (so it didn't conflict with the Econet support that BeebEm now has).

I've updated the wiki page to reflect these changes.

I'd recommend you try this new version, and stick to the default path for the beeb.mmb file.

marrold commented 9 months ago

Yup that has worked, thanks for the speedy response

hoglet67 commented 9 months ago

Glad that sorted it.