hoglet67 / PiTubeDirect

Bare-metal Raspberry Pi project that attaches to the Acorn TUBE interface and emulates many BBC Micro Co Processors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Frame Buffer with Native ARM copro: stuck when accessing filing systems? #170

Closed mincebert closed 1 year ago

mincebert commented 1 year ago

I have a Pi 3A+ running Hognose final release in a Master with the frame buffer enabled.

When I have the 6502 coprocessor enabled I can access filing systems without any trouble, even if I enable the frame buffer with CALL &300, it all works fine.

If, however, I switch to the Native ARM coprocessor (number 15) with the frame buffer enabled with *PIVDU 2, and type something like *., the screen just scrolls printing blank lines. This does NOT occur when only using the native BBC video or, oddly, with *PIVDU 3. If I type something like *HELP COPROS, I get the normal output but then things scroll off the screen quickly with blank lines.

I have various filing systems installed but I get the same results with MMFS (the Master version), ANFS and ADFS. I've tried *UNPLUGing all filing systems except MMFS, too. If I unplug all filing systems (so fall back to tape), I still get the same result running *HELP, so it might not be filing systems.

Otherwise the system works fine, as long as I stay away from the filing system (for example, running a program in *ARMBASIC).

hoglet67 commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce this and know what's going on... the host side OSWRCH redirector code is being copied from the wrong address (!!!) I have no idea how we missed this, as I think it was introduced in hognose-rc5, three months before we released!

I've just uploaded a new release that should correct this: https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/releases/tag/hognose-fixes

It's currently tagged as a pre-release as there is one more (unrelated) thing I want to add.

Please me me know how you get on....


mincebert commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the usual prompt service! That certainly fixes the problem I was having — I can't comment on the other two changes!

hoglet67 commented 1 year ago

Fixed in hognose-fixes release