hoglet67 / PiTubeDirect

Bare-metal Raspberry Pi project that attaches to the Acorn TUBE interface and emulates many BBC Micro Co Processors
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RISC-V CoPro BBC BASIC memory map #177

Closed gerph closed 1 year ago

gerph commented 1 year ago

I've created a diagram showing the memory map as used for the RISC-V CoPro's BBC BASIC, from https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/wiki/RISC-V-Co-Pro-Notes#rvbasic-memory-map using my 'memory layout' tool.

The output looks like this.


This is using the memory layout tool I wrote - https://pypi.org/project/memory-layout/

Generating the output

  1. Create a file called riscv-bbcbasic.mld:

    %YAML 1.1
    # BBC BASIC for RISC-V memory map, from https://github.com/hoglet67/PiTubeDirect/wiki/RISC-V-Co-Pro-Notes#rvbasic-memory-map
    # Layout options
    unit_size: 0x10000
    unit_height: 0.3
    min_height: 0.3
    max_height: 1.0
    discontinuity_height: 2
    region_width: 3.25
    # Presentation options
    background: "#FFF"
    fill: "#FFF"
    outline: "#487748"
    outline_width: 2pt
    colour: "#487748"
    position: l
    # Address labels
    address_format: acorn


0x00000000: size: 0x10000 labels: "l": Basic String Buffer (64KB)

0x00010000: size: 0xC00 labels: "l": Basic Miscellaneous Buffers (3KB)

0x00010C00: size: 0x76F400 labels: "er,ib": "&00010C00 = default PAGE"

0x00780000: size: 0x780000 labels: "er,ib": "&00780000 = default HIMEM" "er,it": "&00F00000 = maximum HIMEM" "b": "BASIC Program/Workspace" junction_low: ticks

0x00F00000: size: 0x40000 labels: "l": C language heap (256KB, grows upwards)

0x00F40000: size: 0x40000 labels: "l": RISC-V stack (256KB, grows downwards)

0x00F80000: size: 0x40000 labels: "l": BBC Basic (256KB, 140KB used)

0x00FC0000: size: 0x3FFE0 labels: "l": Tube ROM (256KB, 5K used) 0x00FFFFE0: size: 0x20 labels: "l": Tube Registers

automatic: discontinuities: outline: "#487748" style: cut-out

addresses: side: left start: true final_end: true end_exclusive: false

2. Install the memory layout tool:

pip install memory_layout

3. Generate an SVG:

python -m memory_layout riscv-bbcbasic.mld

I'm not sure if it's at all useful to you, but it was fun, and this is exactly the sort of thing that I created the tool for. If it's not useful, feel free to close. If it is useful, feel free to use, and close... It's just fun after all :-)
hoglet67 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this Charles,

I'll add it in to the wiki page tomorrow.


hoglet67 commented 1 year ago

This is now included in the wiki page, thanks.