hogoww / Illicium

Translation from Pharo to C
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Question: What is the added value of ASTCContainer? #24

Closed guillep closed 4 years ago

guillep commented 5 years ago

Why using just a collection is not enough? Besides the idea of automating the parent relationship...

Also, we should keep the usage of does not understand constrained to special cases where reflection is really necessary. A collection of statements do not seem so ^^.

doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
    "indirection of the message to my collection. Should be removed when the interface will be good enough"
    self flag:#toRemove.
    ^aMessage sendTo:collection
hogoww commented 5 years ago

Agreed. It was just to avoid headache at first, but it shouldn't stay in this state !

hogoww commented 5 years ago

-removed the dnu -Unless I misunderstand, the idea was to offer be able a collection with one interface, while still being able to change the collection underneath

-I didn't get the tittle nor the 2nd statement

guillep commented 5 years ago

-Unless I misunderstand, the idea was to offer be able a collection with one interface, while still being able to change the collection underneath

well, but for that you don't need to create yet another class. :)

-I didn't get the tittle nor the 2nd statement

Besides the idea of automating the parent relationship...

What I meant is that this ASTCContainer sets the parent of each of its childs.

add: aChild
  aChild parent: self parent.
  children add: aChild
hogoww commented 4 years ago

Removed ASTCContainers in #42. Put OrderedCollectioin for now, we'll see how it goes.