hogsy / jaded

A repository for raising any tickets relating to Jaded, the Community Patched Jade Engine. There is no code here.
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[Feature] Implement more verbose profiler #32

Closed hogsy closed 4 months ago

hogsy commented 11 months ago


Good first go for implementing ImGui into Jade.

User Story

A user story that describes who needs the feature, what they need it for, and why they need it.

Acceptance Criteria

A list of criteria that define the scope and quality of the feature.

Mockups or Wireframes

Any relevant mockups or wireframes that can help illustrate the feature.


Any dependencies or prerequisites that are needed for the feature, such as other features, third-party services, etc.

Risks or Challenges

Any potential risks or challenges that might arise during the development or implementation of the feature.

hogsy commented 4 months ago

Dear ImGui is now hooked up with things, though for now it's only active outside the editor.


There is some awkwardness with how it's been rolled in, so for now a lot of the logic should be encapsulated separately - probably just shoved under our ImGuiInterface.cpp for now.

hogsy commented 4 months ago

Basics are done! Will gradually flesh it out further overtime.