hogsy / jaded

A repository for raising any tickets relating to Jaded, the Community Patched Jade Engine. There is no code here.
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(BUG) Dual List not having it's options #44

Open Moonlow0 opened 6 months ago

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

The menu where you make something trigger something (if you understand what I mean). Just doesn't work in my custom map. For some reason, it just displays no options for functions. This is a major problem because now I can't make any puzzles or functions work at all. (I'm using an older version of the jade editor from may 6th). image_2024-01-10_151441502

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

By the way. This problem ONLY happens in the custom map.

hogsy commented 6 months ago

Can you try to use the template next time, please? It's there to make sure all the information I need is provided :sweat_smile:

Are you able to provide a copy of your BF as well? Obviously letting me know what the map is etc. and I'll try to look into it this evening or at some point during the week if I've got time.

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

Where do I send the file then. Also I didn't understand much of the bug. There is not much info I have to share other than what the glitch is. Also also. I was trying to make a new puzzle using two switches to activate a fan to get the player to the next part of the map (just said this just in case)

hogsy commented 6 months ago

Where do I send the file then.

Google Drive and OneDrive are a couple of suggestions I can make. Mega is also an option. Probably a few others you can use if those aren't possible.

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

Okay. Here. The map you need to go to is called the Labo_Hotel (a name from a earlier version of the base when it was going to be a hotel with a secret lab under it) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BOrrtP325Y6t9eDh42hgYgnnhzdZV-v6/view?usp=sharing

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

Oh wait...I forgot something. The map will crash because I added something. I forgot to delete it. (it is the stream factory object). UPDATE: It wasn't the fan...let me check what it is.

Moonlow0 commented 6 months ago

Okay I think that I'll attempt to make the new level again. Attempt number 3 then. Lol. If you do find the problem. Then tell me. Also I found out that the menu was called the dual list.

Moonlow0 commented 5 months ago

What does the next version of Jaded add? Just wondering. Just in case there is something new that I could need.

hogsy commented 5 months ago

What does the next version of Jaded add? Just wondering. Just in case there is something new that I could need.

This is how things are looking right now.

2024-02-xx (v0.3.0)
- Jaded will now launch directly into the game, use '/editor' launch argument to start with editor (https://github.com/OldTimes-Software/jaded/issues/8)
    + Added '/console' launch option, which will show an external console window for debugging/troubleshooting without the editor
    + Added '/width <value>' and '/height <value>' which can be used to force a specific width/height for the game window
- Performance has been significantly improved with framerate cap enabled (https://github.com/OldTimes-Software/jaded/issues/10)
- Added error alerts on MAD file read failure
- Added shortcut under Help menu to submit a bug report
- Added some additional modifiers that weren't available before
- Added support for PNG, PSD and GIF formats
- Fixed crash when importing TGA using RLE compression (https://github.com/hogsy/jaded/issues/38)
- Fixed crash when exporting some skinned meshes
- Fixed crash when opening some worlds in the editor
- Fixed crash if user attempts to list unused GAOs without loading world first
- Fixed memory leak in MAD exporter (https://github.com/OldTimes-Software/jaded/issues/27)
- Invalid visual error will only display once per object (https://github.com/OldTimes-Software/jaded/issues/30)
- Enabled support for audio effects (reverb, etc.); this depends on hardware support, or you can try using a wrapper
- Default export path is now relative to the current working directory (<dir>/exports)
    ~ You'll need to create the 'exports' directory if it doesn't exist, of course (or just choose a different directory)
- Clamped maximum MSAA samples to 4 for now, until we have a proper way to set this
- Removed DirectX 8 renderer (https://github.com/OldTimes-Software/jaded/issues/24)
- Removed P4 library dependencies

However, this one might slip into the next release instead, and this needs to be resolved before I can ultimately release the 0.3.0 release.

There isn't quite a formal roadmap right now, but you can check the milestones to see what's upcoming.

If you have any other questions etc., don't hesitate to just message me on Discord rather than on here. My username is 'hogsy'.