hoijui / Jawk

Java AWK interpreter/compiler
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use of JAWK with JSR 232 #1

Open itexto opened 9 years ago

itexto commented 9 years ago


could not find how to use JAWK with JSR 232. How can I do it?

hoijui commented 9 years ago

hey! :-) i have not heard of JSR 232 before. i just read about it shortly in their specs, and i don' feel much wiser. can you please help me a bit? it is related to OSGi (that one i know)? what exactly would JAWK have to support? how would you use it then?

knut-forkalsrud commented 8 years ago

I think JSR 223 makes more sense than 232. I'm no expert, but there is at least one example of other implementations. This one delegates to bash or cmd.exe: https://github.com/youribonnaffe/jsr223-nativeshell

hoijui commented 8 years ago

ahhh thank you @knut-forkalsrud, indeed that makes much more sense! JSR223 - Scripting for the Java Platform is a framework for embedding scripts into Java source code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSR223 https://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=223

that is not implemented (yet) for JAWK.