hojberg / grunt-yui-config

Generate YUI config dependency chart with Grunt
MIT License
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A port/wrapper for gulp #13

Closed F21 closed 10 years ago

F21 commented 10 years ago

This is currently my favourite task for generating YUI loader configs.

I recently discovered gulp and found it to be interesting.

This is a proposal to build a gulp wrapper similar to gulp.spritesmith (which wraps around the grunt version of spritesmith) where we can create a gulp-yui-config that has grunt-yui-config as a dependency and passes the config directly to yui_configurator.js.

hojberg commented 10 years ago

Something like this is definitely in the works. We are mainly using gulp at my work now and using gulp-grunt to call this one task from gulp. Moving yui configurator into a separate lib that both system could depend on seems like the optimal approach.

cquinders commented 10 years ago

I stumbled upon this issue and thought I point you to the gulp-yui-meta plugin, which generates a YUI meta hash for you in gulp. You can find the plugin here: https://github.com/periodical/gulp-yui-meta

hojberg commented 10 years ago

@cquinders yes i have actually looked at that. i'll potentially use that to generate the meta data and wrap the config around it.

cquinders commented 10 years ago

@hojberg I occasionally left the config out of the plugin, because it can be accomplished with other gulp plugins already. Also this is more flexible for the different use cases one might have (e.g. AMD, RequireJS, ...) and it suits the gulp way of doing things better (code over configuration). I added an example on dealing with the configuration to the README of gulp-yuk-meta.

hojberg commented 10 years ago

@cquinders awesome!