holepunchto / pear-cli

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Getting error on running pear dev #2

Open all2pie opened 1 week ago

all2pie commented 1 week ago


  1. make a new directory
  2. run pear init -y
  3. run pear dev


Initially I was getting the following error which I resolved by restarting the pear runtime

x An error occured
TypeError: ipc.start is not a function
    at run (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/lib/run.js:58:71)       
    at run (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/cmd/run.js:58:51)       
    at Object.dev (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/cmd/index.js:68:36)
    at Cmd.run (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/cmd/index.js:51:38) 
    at module.exports (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/cmd/index.js:79:13)
    at cli (file:///C:/Users/mhari/AppData/Roaming/pear/by-dkey/7216eeac5c879a2ca1dcff14bb8c1ad47d188a8c17b13e66f36d354ea8bd3b28/1/boot.bundle/cli.js:19:9)

Currently the dev tools and the app is launching but it's giving this error

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')

And on the console this error is logged

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


OS: Windows 11 Nodejs: v18.13.0 npm: 8.19.3

Pear versions:

pear: 0.3229.pqbzjhqyonxprx8hghxexnmctw75mr91ewqw5dxe1zmntfyaddqy
bare: 1.2.1
uv: 1.48.0
@fontsource/open-sans: ^5.0.22
@hyperswarm/seeders: ^1.1.6
b4a: ^1.6.6
bare-bundle: ^1.0.0
bare-env: ^2.1.0
bare-events: ^2.2.0
bare-fs: ^2.1.1
bare-http1: ^3.3.1
bare-module: ^3.1.6
bare-os: ^2.1.1
bare-pipe: ^2.0.0
bare-signals: ^2.1.1
bare-subprocess: ^2.0.2
bare-tty: ^3.0.1
compact-encoding: ^2.13.0
corestore: ^6.17.0
crc-universal: ^1.0.4
debounceify: ^1.1.0
drive-bundler: ^1.0.0
framed-stream: ^1.0.1
fs-native-extensions: ^1.2.5
hypercore-crypto: ^3.4.0
hypercore-id-encoding: ^1.3.0
hyperdrive: ^11.7.0
hyperswarm: ^4.7.13
iambus: ^1.0.3
localdrive: ^1.11.3
localwatch: ^1.4.0
mime-db: ^1.52.0
mirror-drive: ^1.3.0
mutexify: ^1.4.0
pear-changelog: ^1.0.1
pear-ipc: ^1.0.6
pear-updater: ^3.0.0
protomux: ^3.5.1
quickbit-universal: ^2.2.0
ready-resource: ^1.0.0
redhat-overpass-font: ^1.0.0
safety-catch: ^1.0.2
script-linker: ^2.5.2
sodium-native: ^4.0.6
streamx: ^2.16.1
tiny-byte-size: ^1.1.0
udx-native: ^1.7.13
unix-path-resolve: ^1.0.2
url-file-url: ^1.0.2
watch-drive: ^2.0.0
which-runtime: ^1.2.0
all2pie commented 1 week ago

I tried with a terminal type project as well by doing pear init -y -t terminal

Also for that I am getting this error: Not Found: "/index.js"

Seems like pear is not able to detect the current directory or something like that.

I have tried on git bash and cmd.

all2pie commented 1 week ago

After restarting my system here are some more logs from the console


Here is the screenshot of the error as well
