holium / realm

A sovereign network operating system built on Urbit
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Clean up %spaces & %passports #201

Closed drunkplato closed 2 years ago

drunkplato commented 2 years ago
drunkplato commented 2 years ago

There was an issue with someone being kicked and rejoining and the discovery taking significant time. Errors in subscriptions

drunkplato commented 2 years ago

agent design template


There are two concepts here: actions and reactions.

++  core  .
++  spaces
  ++  action
    ++  handle-add
    ++  handle-update
    ++  handle-remove
    ++  handle-kicked
    ++  handle-joined
  ++  reaction
    ++  on-initial
    ++  on-add
    ++  on-remove
    ++  on-joined
++  visa
  ++  action
    ++  handle-send
    ++  handle-invited
    ++  handle-accept
    ++  handle-decline
    ++  handle-stamped
    ++  handle-kicked
  ++  reaction
    ++  on-sent
    ++  on-accepted
    ++  on-kicked