holland01 / YAQ3R

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Main Stuff #1

Open holland01 opened 9 years ago

holland01 commented 9 years ago


holland01 commented 9 years ago



Take care of rgbGen vertex; remove the color attrib entirely if identity or identitylighting settings are used.


( Side note on the mip mapping: the bias uniform being provided in the shader might be causing problems for some of the mip levels. If this is the case, see if there's anything which can be done in terms of properly fetching a particular mip level at the shader level, and using mipWidth / megaDims.x, mipHeight / megaDims.y in these instances instead. texelFetch in GLSL might be a good mechanism for this, or seeing if there is another way to select the mip level to sample from within a draw call.


holland01 commented 8 years ago

Most of the WebGL support is there; optimizations are a major issue at the moment, so I'm focusing on that (in addition to making sure everything is being drawn as close as possible to the real deal).