hollocherdale / dandelion

Choose adventure, crowd created.
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Dead end & single paths #3

Open hollocherdale opened 10 years ago

hollocherdale commented 10 years ago

There needs to be a way to create a submission with two options:

1) The submission would be a dead end.

2) The submission would result in a single choice. If this submission results in being the top voted, then it is the only choice. I would also like to create a percentage vote threshold that if reached, the top story will be a single path. For example, if someones post receives more than 50% of the votes, then it becomes the only path.

hollocherdale commented 10 years ago

How to accomplish this? One approach would be to have additional attributes that can be flagged. For example there would be a single_path attribute, false by default. If it is true then during the publishing script it would funnel that adventure appropriately and only publish that path (if it was the top one). Similarly if there is a dead_end attribute, then the adventure would be promptly marked as closed upon publication, instead of 'accepting_submissions'.

A more concise approach would be to have a 'path modifier' attribute, that can be passed a symbol option such as 'dead_end', 'single_path', etc.