hollodotme / Helpers

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self-hosted-vagrant-boxes: VirtualBox Guest Additions - recommend Vagrant plugin `dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest` #11

Open codekandis opened 5 years ago

codekandis commented 5 years ago

I created my own VirtualBox image for a Vagrant supported environment with Building a Vagrant Box from Start to Finish. While I'm provisiong all my projects with ansible I've the attempt to install the latest Virtual Box Guest Additions corresponding to my hosts VirtualBox version with ansible as well. So after digging I stumbled upon the fine working Vagrant plugin dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest.

While the package VirtualBox is developed the Guest Additions are too. Very soon you'll get the error message that your Guest Additions on the box aren't up to date with your hosts version of Virtual Box. The mentioned plugin takes care of that problem. This is a great benefit in companywide development environments. There's no need to install a specific version of the Guest Additions in the box itself nor to provison it by any tool of your choice.

hollodotme commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. I already used this plugin and from time to time it just didn't work as expected and claimed wrong guest addition versions and failed to install newer ones. That's basically the reason I removed it from my vagrant setup. But I assume they fixed some stuff, so good to hear that it's working again.

codekandis commented 5 years ago

I don't know what will happen with the change to another VirtualBox major release. For now I didn't experienced any problems with the minor releases. Every VirtualBox update causes the plugin to install the proper Guest Additons as expected.

I can keep you updated because I also have an curious focus on that issue.