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Young Programmer #520

Closed michelamaral closed 10 years ago

michelamaral commented 10 years ago

Hi guy,

How have you been doing?

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the great work that GitHub is doing along those years. It’s amazing and so inspiring! :) I'm a big fan of you!

My name is Michel and I’m a co-founder of a web development studio in Brazil, called: Designa. Beside our normal development work, we usually organize tech events, meetups and free classes to the community. We reached over 1000 people with our social actions and events, last year. In 2014, we intend to reach over 1500 people.

One of our projects is called: Jovem Programador (Young Programmer). It is a non-profit social project that aims to help young students to improve their skills in computer & web development. With this project, our goal is to create a continuous learning hub that connects teachers and learners with a passion in common: learn and share knowledge. Our idea is to spread this project around the whole country in the next years.

The main reason for this email is that we have just started a new cycle of free classes for about 30 students. At the moment, we are at the fourth of twelfth classes’ cycle. The first one was about market, learning and opportunities; the second one was about agile methods; the third one was an introduction to web development (overview about: front end, back end, storage, and infrastructure); and the fourth one was about beginning with front end development (Sublime Text 2, Git, HTML5, and CSS3).

From now, each class will be focus on differents topics such as: GIT, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, databases, servers, etc. So, at the end of the course, we intend to motivate each student to launch a web application product.

During our previously classes We have taught them how to use GitHub as a tool for their daily work. It was great experience!

So, that’s why I’m here. I would like to ask you if it is possible any kind of support or gifts (stickers, t-shirts, mugs, etc) just to motivate more and more the students. Is it ok for you? Can we make any kind of partnership for it?

If you want you can see some photos of our last classes, on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.691187610919194.1073741833.560711393966817&type=3

I hope you can enjoy it! :) It will be really great to us!

Looking eager for a return of you

Thanks so much,

Michel Amaral

holman commented 10 years ago

I think someone already reached out to you, but shoot us a message at support@github.com and we'd love to help you out.