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Which stack do you think is more promising in the futur, Ruby, Javascript or Swift ... or sth else ? #701

Closed zianwar closed 9 years ago

zianwar commented 9 years ago

Hi Zach,

Thanks again for oppeing this AMA, I just wanted to know your thoughts on this, as I started developing I begin with basic PHP and MySQL, that time, I thought that I finally made it and became a web developer, but once I discovered the world of Javascript and Nodejs I just felt suprised, then I read a little about Swift programming language and knowing the popularity it has gained I just couldn't choose between those, I think this is a common problem for all of us developers, we WANT TO LEARN THEM ALL!

so what stack do you prefer and which one you think will be the futur ?

tunnckoCore commented 9 years ago

I categorically can say Javascript/nodejs.

saadel commented 9 years ago


holman commented 9 years ago

I think my last comment in this thread covers this pretty well — basically I think everything is going to be fairly split for a little bit yet, and I don't see a big hegemony coming any time soon.