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Web dev environment with gulp #749

Closed Randall94 closed 8 years ago

Randall94 commented 8 years ago

I am trying to set up a build / web development environment with gulp, with basic features for compiling SASS, browser-sync, auto prefixer etc. But after 2 days of consecutive experimenting, I am still failing at accomplishing this (seemingly) easy task, always getting some minor errors.

Would you be able to help me out, if I provide more information ? (file structure, gulpfile.js code, commands etc.). I haven't found too many good tutorials on this topic and it might serve as a good reference for future users.

Thank you.

holman commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately might not be able to help you too much there- those aren't tools that I'm super familiar with. :\

Randall94 commented 8 years ago

ah, ok. Thanks for the quick response anyway.

mikemcbride commented 8 years ago

@Randall94 I've got a repo that I use as a template for starting new web dev projects, and it uses browserSync, LESS, and Gulp. I usually prefer LESS over SASS (my company uses LESS in our stack), but you could pretty easily swap out the gulp plugins for that. You might try this gulp-sass plugin Hopefully this helps you. Here's the gulpfile that I use there. If I can be of any help, feel free to reach out via an issue on that repo or via email (in my profile).

Randall94 commented 8 years ago

@mmcbride1007 Perfect! Thanks. I have already got it working, but it always helps to explore a different approach. Will check it out.