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Ruby, Rails and the future #755

Closed ur0 closed 8 years ago

ur0 commented 8 years ago

You've used Ruby/Rails for quite some time and have spoken extensively about its awesomeness. Indeed, Ruby is the single best language I've come across.

But Internet today is so full of stuff like 'Ruby is dead', et cetra that it makes the programmer in me want to commit suicide.

What, in your opinion, is the future? Is it something without Ruby? Is it full of semicolons and parentheses and whatnot? Is the golden era gone?

P.S: Dockbit, the company you're currently advising - do they use Rails?

sharat commented 8 years ago

@ur0 This covers it pretty well.

holman commented 8 years ago

Yeah, mostly what's in #698. I still love Ruby and think it's pretty dope.