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Thank you #784

Closed tasdikrahman closed 8 years ago

tasdikrahman commented 8 years ago

I just wanted to say that your blog posts were a pleasure to read! (you do speak your mind) Stumbled upon them while reading hacker news.

What did you major in while at CMU? How is your current gig going for you (Dockbit)? Any advice for young developers like me (undergrad)? :smile:

holman commented 8 years ago


I majored in Information Systems at CMU- although if I would do it again I definitely would have gone for Computer Science instead. But such is life.

I'm only advising at Dockbit (and two other startups at the moment), but they've been doing pretty great. Been fun watching them progress.

I did a talk awhile back targeted at college students, although I feel like if I were to give it again it would be almost entirely different. Such is life, I suppose.

tasdikrahman commented 8 years ago

What is your take on building things which give tangible output rather than the ability to solve some puzzles on whiteboard / paper?

holman commented 8 years ago


tasdikrahman commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much for your time :smile:

I hope I get to attend one of your talks in person some time soon.And don't pay attention to the haters!

Until next time then Zach

palerdot commented 8 years ago

Similar recent one https://medium.com/@evnowandforever/f-you-i-quit-hiring-is-broken-bb8f3a48d324#.1zuz3c8lw

RSully commented 8 years ago

I did a talk awhile back targeted at college students, although I feel like if I were to give it again it would be almost entirely different

Certainly welcome. Maybe a blog post?