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Why can't I link to the archive for my latest release? #794

Closed dlenski closed 8 years ago

dlenski commented 8 years ago

Github's archive links are totally awesome. I use them all the time for explaining to people how to install Python packages with pip, e.g.

pip install http://github.com/dlenski/python-project/archive/HEAD.zip # tip of default branch
pip install http://github.com/dlenski/python-project/archive/foobar.zip # tip of foobar branch
pip install http://github.com/dlenski/python-project/archive/v1.2.3.zip # tag v1.2.3

_However…_ what is slightly maddening to me is that there is no way to link to the zipball or tarball for the most recent tag or release for a project.

Oh sure, I can link to the web page for the latest release with https://github.com/user/project/releases/latest … but I can't generate a link that automatically points to an archive for that release :-1:.

Any idea why Github hasn't added this feature?

holman commented 8 years ago

don't give a shit

davisonio commented 8 years ago

Maybe submit this here instead https://github.com/isaacs/github