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What are the best ways of attracting contributors to a FOSS project, that you've observed? #799

Closed fluffypony closed 7 years ago

fluffypony commented 7 years ago

I've read some interesting discussions on StackExchange, and our project has a large and vibrant community, a bunch of media coverage (which has led to a bit of an Eternal September in the community), and about 120 contributors in the last 2.5 years. However, we're struggling to attract new developers, in part because the cryptocurrency space is filled with scams and VC funding, so why should anyone work on our project "for free" (even though we have a crowdfunding system for this very purpose:)

What ways of attracting contributors have you observed during your time at GitHub, and also just in general during your exposure to FOSS projects? Thanks for doing this long-running AMA, btw, just found it today and it's been an interesting read:)

holman commented 7 years ago

That's always the trick... trying to promote the work that you've spent so much time and effort on. 🤗

I don't really have a firm answer, since every project is different and bring with them their own particular problems. A few kind of general things I've seen, though:

So yeah, some thoughts. Hope that helps- happy to discuss things some more with you or anyone else here if anything comes to mind!

dideler commented 7 years ago

Really like that last paragraph on encouraging collaborators. 👌