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Deployments for non-SaaS #812

Closed polettix closed 7 years ago

polettix commented 7 years ago

Hi! I just finished reading your article about deployment and found it very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Question: when it comes to deployment, do you know of any resource/reading that talks about the non-SaaS case in ways similar to what your article does for SaaS?

Why the question: reading through all different aspects of DevOps it's all about SaaS. It makes sense because you can't really have "intimacy" across Devs and Ops if they live in two different companies (as it would happen with a "traditional software sell/licensing"). So you might try to reuse some of tools and a few of the processes for non-SaaS, but not really that many. I would be interested into understanding whether anyone tried to apply more of these ideas in the "traditional software selling/licensing" realm.

holman commented 7 years ago

Question: when it comes to deployment, do you know of any resource/reading that talks about the non-SaaS case in ways similar to what your article does for SaaS?

Don't particularly know of any articles or posts off-hand that might coincide with that. :\

One thing I will say, though, is that you can generalize some of the things in the SaaS world inside the "traditional" software world. Certainly not everything, but some things.

To take two examples from my GitHub days:

There's definitely a lot of things you can't get away with once you don't physically own the hardware your code is run on, but there is some things you can do. Even more so if you're willing/able to let your software phone home. There's definitely some privacy and control concerns there, but it can offer a lot of benefits, too.

Hope that helps some! Let me know if you have any other questions or comments; love chatting about this stuff.

polettix commented 7 years ago

Mumbling over your answer I forgot... thank you!