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Can you upload stickers you have stuck on your laptop? #840

Closed beingfranklin closed 6 years ago

beingfranklin commented 6 years ago

I saw your laptop during your talk in RubyConf India 2018 and I really liked the way you had stuck it. Could you please share some pictures here and give us some tips about customizing like a Boss?

holman commented 6 years ago

Nothing super out of the ordinary I guess; here's the front:


...and the back:


I like the underside a lot better than the front. If I were to do it again (or if I have the sheer boredom of scraping off the existing stickers and de-goo-ing the residue, which I might do at some point) I'd replace them with the square pattern. But it's pretty decent overall; I like that it's a little different.