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Do you still use Jekyll as blogging platform? #847

Closed spirosag closed 5 years ago

spirosag commented 5 years ago

Are you still using Github pages and Jekyll as your blogging platform? I'm asking because I noticed some new pages in your talks section with custom design. Is this done by hand? What is your opinion on github pages with jekyll? Would you suggest it as a platform or would you suggest something else? I'm asking because I want to start a blog/portfolio type of website.

holman commented 5 years ago

Yup. It's all Jekyll + Pages, just normal HTML + CSS work.

What is your opinion on github pages with jekyll? Would you suggest it as a platform or would you suggest something else?

I still really like it; handles pretty much everything that I'd need for a standard static site. No real complaints, and it's pretty boring and straightforward, which is all I ask for in life these days.