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How to get a business logic OSS project off the ground #863

Closed behoyh closed 4 years ago

behoyh commented 4 years ago

Hey Zach,

I’ve got this app that I think a lot of founders and developers in general can use as a component in their projects. The problem is, it doesn’t solve a technical issue, but a common business one.

Is this normal for an OSS project? How should I approach building and developing this?

Repo in question

behoyh commented 4 years ago

Thanks in advance!

-Beshoy Hanna

holman commented 4 years ago

Sure, it could be.

I think compared to, a CLI, for example, or a library, there's a lot more code to look at, to install, to upkeep, etc. So you have to convince people a lot more than other projects. I think if you're going to do it right you'd need to build a website, documentation, screenshots screenshots screenshots, etc. You basically need to work a lot harder to explain why someone might need it.

behoyh commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I will start the website once the UI component is completed!