holmesal / shortwave

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False unread notifications #145

Open holmesal opened 10 years ago

holmesal commented 10 years ago

If you send a message on desktop, you get an unread notification on mobile.

Solution is to check message.owner when you look at message.priority, and only set the unread notification if it's not you

DogsForArms commented 10 years ago

I think that the way to approach this issue is to have the webapp update lastSeen to equal the time on the message that we have last seen.... or just whenever a message is loaded (has become visible) set lastSeen to be Now.

Doing the above only solves the problem if Im' the one sending messages.

holmesal commented 10 years ago

Yep, this problem should only exist for you. If t exists for other people, it's a bug on the web side.

Let's try what you sughested - I'll implement this on the web tomorrow.