holochain / holochain-rust

DEPRECATED. The Holochain framework implemented in rust with a redux style internal state-model.
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Holochain Installation - unsure about installation #1116

Open dhtnetwork opened 5 years ago

dhtnetwork commented 5 years ago

Hi all! Im trying to setup my computer and install holochain development tools for creating hApps. Im following the instructions on https://developer.holochain.org/start.html but am not 100% sure if i have installed everything properly. How can i check if i have the right versions installed: git nodejs rust webassembly zeroMQ ? Im on linux (ubuntu). i get following output in my terminal: $ git --version git version 2.17.1 $ node --version v11.10.0 $ rustc --version rustc 1.32.0 (9fda7c223 2019-01-16) So my questions would be: How can i check if i installed zeroMQ properly? And is my nodejs version ok? Because in the documentation its stated that Holochain core only supports 8.x LTS versions of nodejs. So how can I downgrade my node version to 8. LTS version? Sorry for the noobish questions, im quiet new to linux and doing stuff in the terminal..

zippy commented 5 years ago

Fortunately as of version 0.0.6-alpha zmq is no longer a dependency and has been removed from https://developer.holochain.org/start.html!

re nodejs. The best way to manage node versions is to use nvm Maybe we should be adding instructions/pointers on that @Connoropolous ?

dcts commented 5 years ago

thx @dhtnetwork for posting my issue from mattermost here! For node is could use nvm as @zippy suggested, works nice and makes switching from different node versions super easy! I just post what worked for me here:

# installing required packages for nvm as well as nvm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.32.1/install.sh | bash 

# check if nvm is installed (should output the version)
nvm --version 

# list all availible version
nvm ls-remote  # availible to install
nvm ls         # already installed and availible to use (if not red)

# install latest 8-version (currently v.8.15.1)
nvm install v8.15.1 
nvm use v8.15.1            # switch to new installed version
nvm alias default v8.15.1  # set  default version to be used in a new terminal session