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Workflows review 2nd iteration #3866

Open jost-s opened 1 month ago

jost-s commented 1 month ago

There are more parts of the workflows which need review.

artbrock commented 3 weeks ago

It's unclear what the integration workflow does and if all of it is still relevant.

It looks like you added some of what it does later in this bullet. But yes, it is still relevant. We want the validation workflow to be complete as soon as the validation status fully determined (valid / rejected).

However, there are follow-up async actions that should not be a part of the validation workflow, such as sending validation receipts and/or warrants. So some workflow must follow validation, whether it is called "integration" or not can be discussed.

Also, I want to note that a timestamp for the moment of final validation / integration is vital to the integrity of gossip which should be just asking for "what's new since time x" as your last integration timestamp you've already gossiped with them. This is something we should confirm is happening.

jost-s commented 3 weeks ago

It looks like you added some of what it does later in this bullet. But yes, it is still relevant. We want the validation workflow to be complete as soon as the validation status fully determined (valid / rejected).

I'm referring to the status quo. There are 4 database updates it performs and it's not obvious what they're for.

Upon checking now I see that the integration workflow triggers a validation receipt workflow. That should be part of the review too.