holochain / launcher-tauri

Desktop launcher to install and use Holochain apps locally
262 stars 21 forks source link

Scaffolding: non-english locale not supported not supported by C library #177

Open uniconstructor opened 1 year ago

uniconstructor commented 1 year ago

Executed command:

nix run github:/holochain/holochain#hc-scaffold -- example
✔ Choose example: · forum
✔ Choose UI framework: · Vue
Setting up nix development environment...
warning: creating lock file '/home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/flake.lock'
Empty Git repository initiated in /home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/.git/

Example "forum" scaffolded!

Run the example app with:

  cd forum
  nix develop 
  npm install
  npm start

frost@frost-hp:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain$ cd forum
frost@frost-hp:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum$ nix develop
warning: Git tree '/home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum' is dirty
Holochain development shell spawned. Type exit to leave.

[holonix:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum]$ npm install
added 397 packages, and audited 400 packages in 1m

38 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
[holonix:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum]$ npm start

> start
> AGENTS=2 npm run network

> network
> hc s clean && npm run build:happ && UI_PORT=8888 concurrently "npm start -w ui" "npm run launch:happ" "holochain-playground"

> build:happ
> npm run build:zomes && hc app pack workdir --recursive

> build:zomes
> RUSTFLAGS='' CARGO_TARGET_DIR=target cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

    Updating crates.io index
  Downloaded addr2line v0.19.0

(after some time)

Compiling holochain_integrity_types v0.1.3
   Compiling holochain_wasmer_common v0.0.83
   Compiling holochain_wasmer_guest v0.0.83
   Compiling holochain_zome_types v0.1.3
   Compiling hdk_derive v0.1.3
   Compiling hdi v0.2.3
   Compiling hdk v0.1.3
   Compiling posts_integrity v0.0.1 (/home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/dnas/forum/zomes/integrity/posts)
   Compiling posts v0.0.1 (/home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/dnas/forum/zomes/coordinator/posts)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2m 36s
Wrote bundle /home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/dnas/forum/workdir/forum.dna
Wrote bundle /home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum/workdir/forum.happ
[2] @holochain-playground/cli v0.1.1
[2] Welcome to the Holochain Playground!
[2] App is running at http://localhost:8282 in production mode
[2] Press CTRL-C to stop
[0] > ui@0.1.0 start
[0] > vite --port $UI_PORT --clearScreen false
[1] > launch:happ
[1] > echo "pass" | RUST_LOG=warn hc launch --piped -n $AGENTS workdir/forum.happ --ui-port $UI_PORT network mdns
[1] [hc launch] ------ WARNING ------
[1] [hc launch] You are running hc launch pointing to a localhost server. This is meant for development purposes
[1] [hc launch] only as apps can behave differently than when actually running in the Holochain Launcher.
[1] [hc launch] To test the real behavior, use --ui-path instead and point to a folder with your built and bundled files
[1] [hc launch] or pass an already packaged .webhapp as an argument.
[1] [hc launch] ---------------------
[1] [hc launch] Spawning sandbox conductors.
[1] hc-sandbox: Creating 2 conductor sandboxes with same settings

[1] Conductor ready.
[1] Running conductor on admin port 40335 []
[1] Connected successfully to a running holochain
[1] Conductor ready.
[1] Running conductor on admin port 36333 [21162]
[1] App port attached at 21162
[1] Connected successfully to a running holochain
[1] [hc launch] Launching tauri windows.
[1] (process:1287171): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:29:34.733: Locale not supported by C library.
[1]     Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[1] Gtk-Message: 21:29:34.780: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[1] Gtk-Message: 21:29:34.782: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"

Also have some "is outside of Vite serving allow list" error:

[0] The request url "/home/frost/workspace/holochain-demo-forum/forum/node_modules/vite/dist/client/env.mjs" is outside of Vite serving allow list.
[0] - /home/frost/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum
[0] Refer to docs https://vitejs.dev/config/server-options.html#server-fs-allow for configurations and more details.
[1] Failed to create hard link from /home/frost/.cache/hc-launch/WebKitCache/Version 16/Blobs/084EAD9CDDDC64D38BD6C6D4BA7BDD505E8BDF52 to /home/frost/.cache/hc-launch/WebKitCache/Version 16/Records/A59D71C44C8BF6106FA6E8834244AFB20CCE41B4/Resource/E122235AF6263E1FAE37A357ABCA1E78BB520921-blob
[1] Failed to create hard link from /home/frost/.cache/hc-launch/WebKitCache/Version 16/Blobs/393CE115A964557EE4321676658536DB67C70456 to /home/frost/.cache/hc-launch/WebKitCache/Version 16/Records/A59D71C44C8BF6106FA6E8834244AFB20CCE41B4/Resource/58294A756DB710673A7F6F558CBFB9B39CD570AD-blob
^C[1] Released ports.
[1] Killed holochain processes, press Ctrl+C to quit.
[1] npm run launch:happ exited with code SIGINT
[2] holochain-playground exited with code SIGINT
[0] npm start -w ui exited with code SIGINT

Used package versions:

[holonix:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum]$ hc --version
holochain_cli 0.1.5
[holonix:~/workspace/etrusty-holochain/forum]$ hc-scaffold --version
holochain_scaffolding_cli 0.1.9
guillemcordoba commented 1 year ago

I think the last issue you mentioned is the actual problem ("is outside of Vite serving allow list"). Could you post the full output logs, and check whether you have some other process running in port 8888?