holos-run / holos

Holos - The Holistic platform manager
Apache License 2.0
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Kubernetes Kustomization #246

Closed jeffmccune closed 1 month ago

jeffmccune commented 1 month ago

kustomizeFiles doesn't appear to be taking effect for the core Kubernetes component kind.

Want: rendered manifest with the crds.

Have: empty rendered manifest.

package holos

import (
    ks "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types"

(#Kubernetes & {Name: "argocd-crds"}).BuildPlan

let Kustomization = ks.#Kustomization & {
    apiVersion: "kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1"
    kind:       "Kustomization"
    resources: ["https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd//manifests/crds/?ref=v\(#ArgoCD.Version)"]

// Generate a kustomization.yaml directly from CUE so that we can manage the
// correct version of the custom resource definitions.
spec: components: kubernetesObjectsList: [{
    kustomize: kustomizeFiles: "kustomization.yaml": yaml.Marshal(Kustomization)