holoviz-topics / examples

Visualization-focused examples of using HoloViz for specific topics
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Naming conventions within example projects #37

Closed jbednar closed 4 years ago

jbednar commented 5 years ago

Prior to having https://examples.pyviz.org, we have been creating examples scattered over lots of different sites (anaconda.org, gists, nbviewer, various project repos, etc.) with many different purposes. This site lets us collect examples in a meaningful way, grouping related examples that share a dataset and an environment. E.g. the Attractors project includes:

  1. A simple clifford+interact example (30 lines or so) for making a trivial dashboard for one attractor type,
  2. A several-hundred line example of making a dashboard for many families of attractors, and
  3. A several-hundred line notebook (not a dashboard) discussing attractors in detail, how to render them with Numba+Datashader, and showing code for every different type.

Each of these three things is part of the same project (living in the same directory), and so we need a way to name them that clearly distinguishes them from each other. But they are also each individually meaningful, and can e.g. be tweeted about or linked one by one from a library website that they illustrate, and so the names also need to make sense on their own.

In this case, I propose these names:

  1. clifford_panel
  2. attractors_panel
  3. attractors

I.e., in the specific case of having a "dashboard" version of the project created using Panel, I propose that we append "_panel" to a base name. The normal notebook version of this content then doesn't need any suffix. Projects using dash can then add "_dash", etc. Hopefully this will cover many of the typical reasons we'll have multiple endpoints per project. Please weigh in if you have any countersuggestions...

jbednar commented 4 years ago

We've been following this convention in practice, and it seems to be working well, so I'll close this proposal as accepted.