Closed emryslda closed 4 years ago
@emryslda I think the CRS could have been created without pyresample (to ease reproducibility for the geoviews devs) by using cartopy's UTM class with 31
@djhoese Sure it is the almost same, also with it crs=crs.UTM(31) func the problem shows up.
Sorry for not getting back to this earlier, but with current versions I cannot reproduce those line rendering issues with recent versions. Please reopen if you can still reproduce this.
Dear all, I am trying to use geoview to plot images, but I obtained an unwanted bold border in the image, after I gave a custom crs projection. the crs that I used comes from the to_crs_cartopy() function. First I defined the AreaDefinition with pyresemple.geometry.AreaDefinition , and then I transformed it with to_crs_cartopy(). the crs output is: _PROJ4Projection(+datum=NAD27 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs=True +proj=utm +units=m +zone=31.0 +no_defs)
and what I got is:
any idea? Thank you in advance Here there is the code I used.