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curious 'AnchorText' issue with Holoviews-0.18.3 / Matplotlib-2.1.0rc1 / bokeh-0.12.7 #1840

Closed stonebig closed 7 years ago

stonebig commented 7 years ago

Bug report

Bug summary

A long time Holoviews example doesn't work anymore, with a message "ImportError: cannot import name 'AnchoredText'" from Matplotlib.

as it's new Notebook / Bokeh / Matplotlib, I'm not sure of the true problem origin.

Any guess ?

Code for reproduction

# under Ipython-2.1.0rc1
import holoviews as hv
%load_ext holoviews.ipython
fractal = hv.Image(image)

((fractal * hv.HLine(y=0.16)).hist() + fractal.sample(y=0.16))

Actual outcome

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\formatters.py in __call__(self, obj)
    330                 pass
    331             else:
--> 332                 return printer(obj)
    333             # Finally look for special method names
    334             method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ipython\display_hooks.py in pprint_display(obj)
    257     if not ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].pprint:
    258         return None
--> 259     return display(obj, raw=True)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ipython\display_hooks.py in display(obj, raw, **kwargs)
    240     elif isinstance(obj, (Layout, NdLayout, AdjointLayout)):
    241         with option_state(obj):
--> 242             html = layout_display(obj)
    243     elif isinstance(obj, (HoloMap, DynamicMap)):
    244         with option_state(obj):

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ipython\display_hooks.py in wrapped(element)
    129         try:
    130             html = fn(element,
--> 131                       max_frames=OutputSettings.options['max_frames'])
    133             # Only want to add to the archive for one display hook...

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ipython\display_hooks.py in layout_display(layout, max_frames)
    211         return None
--> 213     return render(layout)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\ipython\display_hooks.py in render(obj, **kwargs)
     59     if renderer.fig == 'pdf':
     60         renderer = renderer.instance(fig='png')
---> 61     return renderer.html(obj, **kwargs)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\renderer.py in html(self, obj, fmt, css, comm, **kwargs)
    253         code to initialize a Comm, if the plot supplies one.
    254         """
--> 255         plot, fmt =  self._validate(obj, fmt)
    256         figdata, _ = self(plot, fmt, **kwargs)
    257         if css is None: css = self.css

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\renderer.py in _validate(self, obj, fmt)
    189         if isinstance(obj, tuple(self.widgets.values())):
    190             return obj, 'html'
--> 191         plot = self.get_plot(obj, renderer=self)
    193         fig_formats = self.mode_formats['fig'][self.mode]

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\renderer.py in get_plot(self_or_cls, obj, renderer)
    176             plot = self_or_cls.plotting_class(obj)(obj, renderer=renderer,
    177                                                    **plot_opts)
--> 178             plot.update(0)
    179         else:
    180             plot = obj

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in update(self, key)
    242     def update(self, key):
    243         if len(self) == 1 and key == 0 and not self.drawn:
--> 244             return self.initialize_plot()
    245         return self.__getitem__(key)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
     41     def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     42         with _rc_context(self.fig_rcparams):
---> 43             return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     44     return wrapper

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in initialize_plot(self)
   1069         ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, key, None)
   1070         for subplot in self.subplots.values():
-> 1071             subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges)
   1073         # Create title handle

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
     41     def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     42         with _rc_context(self.fig_rcparams):
---> 43             return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     44     return wrapper

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in initialize_plot(self, ranges)
    639                 ax.set_axis_off()
    640                 continue
--> 641             subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges)
    643         self.adjust_positions()

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
     41     def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     42         with _rc_context(self.fig_rcparams):
---> 43             return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     44     return wrapper

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\element.py in initialize_plot(self, ranges)
    491         return self._finalize_axis(self.keys[-1], element=element, ranges=ranges,
--> 492                                    **axis_kwargs)

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\element.py in _finalize_axis(self, key, element, title, dimensions, ranges, xticks, yticks, zticks, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel)
    169             # Apply subplot label
--> 170             self._subplot_label(axis)
    172             # Apply axis options if axes are enabled

C:\WinPython\basedir35\buildQt5\winpython-64bit-3.5.x.1\python-3.5.4.amd64\lib\site-packages\holoviews\plotting\mpl\plot.py in _subplot_label(self, axis)
    181         layout_num = self.layout_num if self.subplot else 1
    182         if self.sublabel_format and not self.adjoined and layout_num > 0:
--> 183             from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredText
    184             labels = {}
    185             if '{Alpha}' in self.sublabel_format:

ImportError: cannot import name 'AnchoredText'

Expected outcome

a normal graphic

Matplotlib version

pip list:
adodbapi (
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bleach (2.0.0)
blosc (1.5.1)
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bokeh (0.12.7)
boto3 (1.4.1)
botocore (1.4.36)
Bottleneck (1.2.1)
bqplot (0.10.0a5)
brewer2mpl (1.4.1)
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certifi (2017.7.27.1)
cffi (1.10.0)
chardet (3.0.4)
click (6.7)
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cx-Freeze (5.0.2)
cycler (0.10.0)
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cytoolz (0.8.2)
dask (0.15.2)
datashader (0.5.0)
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db.py (0.5.3)
decorator (4.1.2)
dill (
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docrepr (0.1.0)
docutils (0.14)
ecos (2.0.4)
edward (1.3.3)
emcee (2.2.1)
entrypoints (0.2.3)
fast-histogram (0.2.1)
fastcache (1.0.2)
fasteners (0.14.1)
fastparquet (0.1.2)
feather-format (0.3.1)
Flask (0.12.2)
Flask-Cors (3.0.3)
formlayout (1.1.0)
fuzzywuzzy (0.15.0)
geopy (1.11.0)
gitdb2 (2.0.0)
GitPython (2.1.3)
gmpy2 (2.0.8)
greenlet (0.4.12)
guidata (1.7.6)
guiqwt (3.0.3)
h5py (2.7.1)
HeapDict (1.0.0)
holoviews (1.8.3)
html5lib (1.0b10)
humanfriendly (4.4.1)
husl (4.0.3)
idlex (1.13)
idna (2.6)
imageio (2.2.0)
imagesize (0.7.1)
ipykernel (4.6.1)
ipyleaflet (0.3.0)
ipympl (0.0.5)
ipyparallel (6.0.2)
ipython (6.1.0)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
ipython-sql (0.3.8)
ipywidgets (7.0.0)
isort (4.2.15)
itsdangerous (0.24)
jedi (0.10.2)
Jinja2 (2.9.6)
jmespath (0.9.3)
joblib (0.11)
jsonschema (2.6.0)
julia (0.1.2)
jupyter (1.0.0)
jupyter-client (5.1.0)
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jupyter-core (4.3.0)
jupyter-sphinx (0.1.1)
jupyterlab (0.27.0)
jupyterlab-launcher (0.4.2)
Keras (2.0.8)
keras-vis (0.4.1)
Lasagne (0.2.dev1)
lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)
llvmlite (0.19.0)
lmfit (0.9.7)
locket (0.2.0)
lxml (3.8.0)
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MarkupSafe (1.0)
matplotlib (2.1.0rc1)
mccabe (0.6.1)
metakernel (0.20.4)
mistune (0.7.4)
mizani (0.3.3)
mkl-service (1.1.2)
monotonic (1.3)
moviepy (
mpl-scatter-density (0.2)
mpld3 (0.3)
mpldatacursor (0.6.2)
mpmath (0.19)
msgpack-python (0.4.8)
multipledispatch (0.4.9)
multiprocess (0.70.5)
mypy (0.521)
mysql-connector-python (2.0.4)
nbconvert (5.3.0)
nbconvert-reportlab (0.1)
nbdime (0.3.0)
nbformat (4.4.0)
netCDF4 (1.2.9)
networkx (1.11)
nltk (3.2.4)
notebook (5.1.0rc2)
numba (0.34.0)
numdifftools (0.9.20)
numexpr (2.6.2)
numpy (1.13.1+mkl)
numpydoc (0.7.0)
oct2py (4.0.6)
octave-kernel (0.26.2)
odo (0.5.0)
olefile (0.44)
palettable (3.1.0)
pandas (0.20.3)
pandas-datareader (0.5.0)
pandocfilters (1.4.2)
param (1.5.1)
partd (0.3.8)
patsy (0.4.1)
pdfrw (0.3)
pep8 (1.7.0)
pexpect (4.2.1)
pg8000 (1.10.5)
pickleshare (0.7.4)
Pillow (4.2.1)
pip (9.0.1)
pkginfo (1.4.1)
plotnine (0.2.1)
prettytable (0.7.2)
prompt-toolkit (1.0.15)
protobuf (3.4.0)
psutil (5.2.2)
ptpython (0.41)
ptyprocess (0.5.2)
PuLP (1.6.8)
Pweave (0.30.0a1)
py (1.4.34)
pyarrow (0.6.0)
PyAudio (0.2.11)
pybars3 (0.9.3)
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pycparser (2.17)
pyflakes (1.6.0)
pyflux (0.4.15)
pygame (1.9.3)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pylint (1.7.2)
pymc (2.3.6)
pymc3 (3.1)
PyMeta3 (0.5.1)
pymongo (3.5.1)
pyodbc (4.0.17)
PyOpenGL (3.1.1)
pypandoc (1.3.2)
pyparsing (2.2.0)
PyQt5 (5.9)
pyqtgraph (0.10.0)
pyreadline (2.0)
pyserial (3.4)
pystache (0.5.4)
pytest (3.2.1)
python-dateutil (2.6.1)
python-hdf4 (0.9)
python-Levenshtein (0.12.0)
python-snappy (0.5.1)
pythonnet (2.4.0.dev0)
PythonQwt (0.5.5)
pytz (2017.2)
PyWavelets (0.5.2)
pywin32 (221)
pywinpty (0.2.0)
pywinusb (0.4.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
pyzmq (16.0.2)
QtAwesome (0.4.4)
qtconsole (4.3.1)
QtPy (1.3.1)
redis (2.10.6)
reportlab (3.4.0)
requests (2.18.4)
requests-file (1.4.2)
requests-ftp (0.3.1)
requests-toolbelt (0.8.0)
rope (0.10.5)
rpy2 (2.8.6)
Rx (1.5.9)
s3fs (0.1.2)
s3transfer (0.1.10)
scikit-fuzzy (0.3.dev0)
scikit-garden (0.1.3)
scikit-image (0.13.0)
scikit-learn (0.19.0)
scikit-neuralnetwork (0.7)
scikit-optimize (0.4)
scilab2py (0.6)
scipy (0.19.1)
scs (1.2.6)
seaborn (0.8.0)
setuptools (36.2.7)
simplegeneric (0.8.1)
simplejson (3.11.1)
sip (4.19.3)
six (1.10.0)
smmap2 (2.0.3)
snakeviz (0.4.2)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
sortedcontainers (1.5.7)
sounddevice (0.3.8)
Sphinx (1.6.3)
sphinx-rtd-theme (0.2.4)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)
spyder (3.2.2.dev0)
spyder-notebook (0.2.0.dev0)
spyder-reports (0.1.1)
spyder-terminal (0.2.0)
SQLAlchemy (1.1.13)
sqlite-bro (0.8.11)
sqlparse (0.2.3)
statsmodels (0.8.0)
supersmoother (0.4)
sympy (1.1.1)
tables (3.4.2)
tblib (1.3.2)
tensorflow (1.3.0)
tensorflow-tensorboard (0.1.5)
testpath (0.3.1)
Theano (0.9.0)
thrift (0.10.0)
toolz (0.8.2)
tornado (4.5.2)
tqdm (4.15.0)
traitlets (4.3.2)
traittypes (0.0.6)
twine (1.9.1)
twitter (1.17.1)
typed-ast (1.0.4)
urllib3 (1.21.1)
vega (0.5.0)
ViTables (3.0.0)
wcwidth (0.1.7)
webencodings (0.5.1)
Werkzeug (0.12.2)
wheel (0.29.0)
widgetsnbextension (3.0.2)
win-unicode-console (0.5)
winpython (1.9.20170812)
wordcloud (1.3.2)
wrapt (1.10.11)
xarray (0.9.6)
xlrd (1.1.0)
XlsxWriter (0.9.8)
xlwings (0.11.4)
zarr (2.1.4)
zict (0.1.2)
stonebig commented 7 years ago

ok, it works with matplotlib-2.0.2, so I suppose it's a matplotlib-2.1.0rc1 issue

philippjfr commented 7 years ago

I'm going to reopen because if it's a compatibility issue with matplotlib 2.1 I'll have to fix it.

philippjfr commented 7 years ago

Thanks for opening the matplotlib issue. Didn't look at the actual traceback at first, this definitely looks like something matplotlib should fix. Edit: Nevermind didn't look correctly, definitely on us to fix.

stonebig commented 7 years ago

it's curious: I can't find how very long time ago this was removed from matplotlib. ah, there : https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/commit/efb3f5ad446c3172eaf0af3343d3cc74e37c2c79

stonebig commented 7 years ago

reason was "Remove unused imports", so change may have to be on Holoviews side

philippjfr commented 7 years ago

Yes, looks like we have to import it from the mpltoolkit instead. Thanks for tracking that down.

github-actions[bot] commented 9 hours ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.