holoviz / holoviews

With Holoviews, your data visualizes itself.
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loosing my outliers in recent Holoviews and friends on Python-3.7.0b4 beta #2738

Closed stonebig closed 6 years ago

stonebig commented 6 years ago

on latest of everything Python-3.7.0b4 / Holoviews-1.10.4 / Datashader-0.6.6 / Bokeh-0.12.16 / ..., I do not see anymore the "outliers" point on this example:

# Datashader (holoviews+Bokeh)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
import datashader as ds
from holoviews.operation.datashader import aggregate, shade, datashade, dynspread
from bokeh.models import DatetimeTickFormatter

def time_series(T = 1, N = 100, mu = 0.1, sigma = 0.1, S0 = 20):  
    """Parameterized noisy time series"""
    dt = float(T)/N
    t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
    W = np.random.standard_normal(size = N) 
    W = np.cumsum(W)*np.sqrt(dt) # standard brownian motion
    X = (mu-0.5*sigma**2)*t + sigma*W 
    S = S0*np.exp(X) # geometric brownian motion
    return S

def apply_formatter(plot, element):
    plot.handles['xaxis'].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter()

drange = pd.date_range(start="2014-01-01", end="2016-01-01", freq='1D') # or '1min'
dates = drange.values.astype('int64')/10**6 # Convert dates to ints
curve = hv.Curve((dates, time_series(N=len(dates), sigma = 1)))
%%opts RGB [finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter] width=800]
%%opts Overlay [finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter] width=800] 
%%opts Scatter [tools=['hover', 'box_select']] (line_color="black" fill_color="red" size=10)

from holoviews.operation.timeseries import rolling, rolling_outlier_std
smoothed = rolling(curve, rolling_window=50)
outliers = rolling_outlier_std(curve, rolling_window=50, sigma=2)
datashade(curve, cmap=["blue"]) * dynspread(datashade(smoothed, cmap=["red"]),max_px=1) * outliers

working example in Python-3.5: holoviews_outliers_there

not there in jupyterlab and latest: holoviews_outliers_not_there

same with warnings opened in classic notebook: holoviews_outliers_not_there2

stonebig commented 6 years ago

pip list (of a working one, in Jupyter Notebook classic)

absl-py (0.1.11)
adodbapi (
alabaster (0.7.10)
algopy (0.5.7)
altair (2.0.0.dev0)
altair-widgets (0.1.2)
asciitree (0.3.3)
asteval (0.9.12)
astroid (1.6.2)
astroML (0.3)
attrs (17.4.0)
Babel (2.5.3)
backports-abc (0.5)
baresql (0.7.4)
bcolz (1.2.0)
beautifulsoup4 (4.6.0)
blaze (0.10.1)
bleach (2.1.3)
blosc (1.5.1)
bloscpack (0.11.0)
bokeh (0.12.15)
Bottleneck (1.2.1)
bqplot (0.10.5)
brewer2mpl (1.4.1)
Brotli (1.0.2)
certifi (2018.1.18)
cffi (1.11.5)
chardet (3.0.4)
click (6.7)
cloudpickle (0.5.2)
clrmagic (0.0.1a2)
colorama (0.3.9)
colorcet (0.9.1)
comtypes (1.1.4)
CVXcanon (0.1.1)
cvxopt (1.1.9)
cvxpy (0.4.11)
cx-Freeze (5.1.1)
cycler (0.10.0)
cyordereddict (1.0.0)
Cython (0.28.1)
cytoolz (
dask (0.17.2)
dask-searchcv (0.2.0)
datashader (0.6.5)
datashape (0.5.2)
db.py (0.5.3)
decorator (4.2.1)
dill (
distributed (1.21.4)
docopt (0.6.2)
docrepr (0.1.1)
docutils (0.14)
ecos (2.0.5)
edward (1.3.5)
emcee (2.2.1)
entrypoints (0.2.3)
fast-histogram (0.4)
fastcache (1.0.2)
fasteners (0.14.1)
fastparquet (0.1.4)
feather-format (0.4.0)
Flask (0.12.2)
Flask-Cors (3.0.3)
formlayout (1.1.0)
fuzzywuzzy (0.16.0)
geopy (1.12.0)
gmpy2 (2.0.8)
greenlet (0.4.13)
guidata (1.7.6)
guiqwt (3.0.3)
h5py (2.7.1)
HeapDict (1.0.0)
holoviews (1.10.0a2)
html5lib (1.0.1)
husl (4.0.3)
idlex (1.13)
idna (2.6)
imageio (2.3.0)
imagesize (1.0.0)
ipydatawidgets (3.0.0)
ipykernel (4.8.2)
ipyleaflet (0.7.3)
ipympl (0.1.0)
ipyparallel (6.1.1)
ipyscales (0.1.3)
ipython (6.2.1)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
ipython-sql (0.3.8)
ipywidgets (7.2.0)
isort (4.3.4)
itsdangerous (0.24)
jedi (0.11.1)
Jinja2 (2.10)
joblib (0.11)
jsonschema (2.6.0)
julia (0.1.5)
jupyter (1.0.0)
jupyter-client (5.2.3)
jupyter-console (5.2.0)
jupyter-core (4.4.0)
jupyter-sphinx (0.1.2)
jupyterlab (0.31.12)
jupyterlab-launcher (0.10.5)
Keras (2.1.5)
keras-vis (0.4.1)
kiwisolver (1.0.1)
lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1)
llvmlite (0.22.0)
lmfit (0.9.9)
locket (0.2.0)
lxml (4.2.1)
Markdown (2.6.11)
MarkupSafe (1.0)
matplotlib (2.2.2)
mccabe (0.6.1)
metakernel (0.20.14)
mistune (0.8.3)
mizani (0.4.6)
mkl-service (1.1.2)
monotonic (1.4)
more-itertools (4.1.0)
moviepy (
mpl-scatter-density (0.3)
mpld3 (0.3)
mpldatacursor (0.6.2)
mpmath (1.0.0)
msgpack (0.5.6)
msgpack-python (0.5.4+dummy)
multipledispatch (0.5.0)
multiprocess (0.70.5)
mypy (0.580)
mysql-connector-python (8.0.6)
nbconvert (5.3.1)
nbconvert-reportlab (0.2)
nbformat (4.4.0)
netCDF4 (1.3.1)
networkx (2.1)
nltk (3.2.5)
notebook (5.4.1)
numba (0.37.0)
numcodecs (0.5.4)
numdifftools (0.9.20)
numexpr (2.6.4)
numpy (1.13.3+mkl)
numpydoc (0.7.0)
oct2py (4.0.6)
octave-kernel (0.28.3)
odo (0.5.0)
packaging (17.1)
palettable (3.1.0)
pandas (0.22.0)
pandas-datareader (0.6.0)
pandocfilters (1.4.2)
param (1.5.2)
paramnb (2.0.2)
parso (0.1.1)
partd (0.3.8)
patsy (0.5.0)
pdfrw (0.4)
pdvega (0.1)
pep8 (1.7.1)
pexpect (4.4.0)
pg8000 (1.11.0)
pickleshare (0.7.4)
Pillow (5.0.0)
pip (9.0.3)
pkginfo (1.4.2)
plotnine (0.3.0)
pluggy (0.6.0)
prettytable (0.7.2)
prompt-toolkit (1.0.15)
protobuf (3.5.2)
psutil (5.4.3)
ptpython (0.41)
ptyprocess (0.5.2)
PuLP (1.6.8)
py (1.5.3)
pyarrow (0.9.0)
PyAudio (0.2.11)
pybars3 (0.9.3)
pybind11 (2.2.2)
pycodestyle (2.3.1)
pycparser (2.17)
pyflakes (1.6.0)
pyflux (0.4.17)
pygame (1.9.3)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pylint (1.8.3)
pymc (2.3.7)
pymc3 (3.3)
PyMeta3 (0.5.1)
pymongo (3.6.1)
pyodbc (4.0.22)
PyOpenGL (3.1.2)
pypandoc (1.3.2)
pyparsing (2.2.0)
PyQt5 (5.9.2)
pyqtgraph (0.10.1.dev1)
pyserial (3.4)
pystache (0.5.4)
pytest (3.5.0)
python-dateutil (2.7.2)
python-hdf4 (0.9.1)
python-Levenshtein (0.12.0)
python-snappy (0.5.2)
pythonnet (2.4.0.dev0)
PythonQwt (0.5.5)
pythreejs (1.0.0)
pytz (2018.3)
PyWavelets (0.5.2)
pywin32 (223)
pywinpty (0.5.1)
pywinusb (0.4.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
pyzmq (17.0.0)
QtAwesome (0.4.4)
qtconsole (4.3.1)
QtPy (1.4.0)
redis (2.10.6)
regex (2018.2.21)
reportlab (3.4.0)
requests (2.18.4)
requests-file (1.4.3)
requests-ftp (0.3.1)
requests-toolbelt (0.8.0)
rope (0.10.5)
rpy2 (2.9.2)
Rx (1.6.1)
scikit-fuzzy (0.3.1)
scikit-image (0.13.1)
scikit-learn (0.19.1)
scikit-optimize (0.5.2)
scilab2py (0.6.1)
scipy (1.0.1)
scs (1.2.7)
seaborn (0.9.dev0)
Send2Trash (1.5.0)
setuptools (39.0.1)
simplegeneric (0.8.1)
simplejson (3.13.2)
sip (4.19.6)
six (1.11.0)
snakeviz (0.4.2)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
sortedcontainers (1.5.9)
sounddevice (0.3.10)
Sphinx (1.7.2)
sphinx-rtd-theme (0.2.4)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)
spyder (3.2.8)
SQLAlchemy (1.2.5)
sqlite-bro (0.8.11)
sqlparse (0.2.4)
statsmodels (0.9.0.dev2)
streamz (0.3.0)
supersmoother (0.4)
sympy (1.1.1)
tables (3.4.2)
tblib (1.3.2)
tensorflow (1.5.0)
tensorflow-tensorboard (1.5.1)
terminado (0.8.1)
testpath (0.3.1)
Theano (1.0.1)
thrift (0.11.0)
toolz (0.9.0)
tornado (4.5.3)
tqdm (4.19.9)
traitlets (4.3.2)
traittypes (0.0.6)
twine (1.11.0)
twitter (1.17.1)
typed-ast (1.1.0)
urllib3 (1.21.1)
vega (0.5.0)
vega-datasets (0.4.1)
vega3 (0.5.0)
ViTables (3.0.0)
wcwidth (0.1.7)
webencodings (0.5.1)
Werkzeug (0.14.1)
wheel (0.30.0)
widgetsnbextension (3.2.0)
win-unicode-console (0.5)
winpython (1.10.20180404)
wordcloud (1.4.1)
wrapt (1.10.11)
xarray (0.10.2)
xlrd (1.1.0)
XlsxWriter (1.0.2)
xlwings (0.11.5)
zarr (2.2.0)
zict (0.1.3)
stonebig commented 6 years ago

pip list (of a non working one, in Jupyter Notebook classic, after failed test in Jupyterlab)

Package                  Version      
------------------------ -------------
alabaster                0.7.10       
algopy                   0.5.7        
altair                   2.0.1        
altair-widgets           0.1.2        
asciitree                0.3.3        
asteval                  0.9.12       
astroid                  1.6.4        
astroML                  0.3          
atomicwrites             1.1.5        
attrs                    18.1.0       
Babel                    2.5.3        
backcall                 0.1.0        
backports-abc            0.5          
baresql                  0.7.4        
bcolz                    1.2.1        
beautifulsoup4           4.6.0        
blaze                    0.10.1       
bleach                   2.1.3        
blosc                    1.5.1        
bloscpack                0.11.0       
bokeh                    0.12.16      
Bottleneck               1.2.1        
bqplot                   0.10.5       
brewer2mpl               1.4.1        
Brotli                   1.0.4        
certifi                  2018.4.16    
cffi                     1.11.5       
cftime                   1.0.0        
chardet                  3.0.4        
click                    6.7          
cloudpickle              0.5.3        
colorama                 0.3.9        
colorcet                 0.9.1        
comtypes                 1.1.4        
cvxopt                   1.2.0        
cvxpy                    1.0.3        
cx-Freeze                5.1.1        
cycler                   0.10.0       
Cython                   0.28.2       
dask                     0.17.5       
dask-searchcv            0.2.0        
datashader               0.6.6        
datashape                0.5.2        
db.py                    0.5.3        
decorator                4.3.0        
distributed              1.21.8       
docopt                   0.6.2        
docrepr                  0.1.1        
docutils                 0.14         
ecos                     2.0.5        
edward                   1.3.5        
emcee                    2.2.1        
entrypoints              0.2.3        
fast-histogram           0.4          
fastcache                1.0.2        
fasteners                0.14.1       
fastparquet              0.1.5        
Flask                    1.0.2        
Flask-Cors               3.0.4        
formlayout               1.1.0        
future                   0.16.0       
fuzzywuzzy               0.16.0       
geographiclib            1.49         
geopy                    1.14.0       
gmpy2                    2.0.8        
greenlet                 0.4.13       
guidata                  1.7.6        
h5py                     2.8.0        
HeapDict                 1.0.0        
holoviews                1.10.4       
html5lib                 1.0.1        
husl                     4.0.3        
idna                     2.6          
imageio                  2.3.0        
imagesize                1.0.0        
ipydatawidgets           3.0.0        
ipykernel                4.8.2        
ipyleaflet               0.8.1        
ipympl                   0.1.1        
ipyparallel              6.1.1        
ipyscales                0.1.3        
ipython                  6.4.0        
ipython-genutils         0.2.0        
ipython-sql              0.3.9        
ipywidgets               7.2.1        
isort                    4.3.4        
itsdangerous             0.24         
jedi                     0.12.0       
Jinja2                   2.10         
joblib                   0.11         
jsonschema               2.6.0        
julia                    0.1.5        
jupyter                  1.0.0        
jupyter-client           5.2.3        
jupyter-console          5.2.0        
jupyter-core             4.4.0        
jupyter-sphinx           0.1.2        
jupyterlab               0.32.1       
jupyterlab-launcher      0.10.5       
Keras                    2.1.6        
keras-vis                0.4.1        
kiwisolver               1.0.1        
lazy-object-proxy        1.3.1        
llvmlite                 0.23.1       
lmfit                    0.9.10       
locket                   0.2.0        
loky                     2.1.1        
lxml                     4.2.1        
Markdown                 2.6.11       
MarkupSafe               1.0          
matplotlib               2.2.2        
mccabe                   0.6.1        
metakernel               0.20.14      
mistune                  0.8.3        
mizani                   0.4.6        
mkl-service              1.1.2        
monotonic                1.5          
more-itertools           4.1.0        
mpl-scatter-density      0.3          
mpld3                    0.3          
mpldatacursor            0.6.2        
mpmath                   1.0.0        
msgpack                  0.5.6        
multipledispatch         0.5.0        
multiprocess             0.70.5       
mysql-connector-python   8.0.6        
nbconvert                5.3.1        
nbconvert-reportlab      0.2          
nbformat                 4.4.0        
netCDF4                  1.4.0        
networkx                 2.1          
nltk                     3.3          
notebook                 5.5.0        
numba                    0.38.0       
numcodecs                0.5.5        
numdifftools             0.9.20       
numexpr                  2.6.5        
numpy                    1.14.3+mkl   
numpydoc                 0.8.0        
oct2py                   4.0.6        
octave-kernel            0.28.3       
odo                      0.5.0        
osqp                     0.3.0        
packaging                17.1         
palettable               3.1.1        
pandas                   0.23.0       
pandas-datareader        0.6.0        
pandocfilters            1.4.2        
param                    1.6.1        
paramnb                  2.0.2        
parso                    0.2.1        
partd                    0.3.8        
patsy                    0.5.0        
pdfrw                    0.4          
pdvega                   0.1          
pep8                     1.7.1        
pexpect                  4.5.0        
pg8000                   1.11.0       
pickleshare              0.7.4        
Pillow                   5.1.1        
pip                      10.0.1       
pkginfo                  1.4.2        
plotnine                 0.3.0        
pluggy                   0.6.0        
prettytable              0.7.2        
prompt-toolkit           1.0.15       
psutil                   5.4.5        
ptpython                 0.41         
ptyprocess               0.5.2        
PuLP                     1.6.8        
py                       1.5.3        
PyAudio                  0.2.11       
pybars3                  0.9.3        
pybind11                 2.2.3        
pycodestyle              2.4.0        
pycparser                2.17         
pyct                     0.4.2        
pyflakes                 2.0.0        
pyflux                   0.4.17       
pygame                   1.9.3        
Pygments                 2.2.0        
pylint                   1.9.1        
pymc                     2.3.7        
pymc3                    3.4.1        
PyMeta3                  0.5.1        
pymongo                  3.6.1        
pyodbc                   4.0.23       
PyOpenGL                 3.1.2        
pypandoc                 1.3.2        
pyparsing                2.2.0        
PyQt5                    5.9.2        
pyqtgraph                0.10.1.dev2  
pyserial                 3.4          
pystache                 0.5.4        
pytest                   3.6.0        
python-dateutil          2.7.3        
python-hdf4              0.9.1        
python-Levenshtein       0.12.0       
python-snappy            0.5.2        
PythonQwt                0.5.5        
pythreejs                1.0.0        
pytz                     2018.4       
PyWavelets               0.5.2        
pywin32                  223          
pywinpty                 0.5.3        
pywinusb                 0.4.2        
PyYAML                   3.12         
pyzmq                    17.0.0       
pyzo                     4.5.2        
QtAwesome                0.5.0.dev0   
qtconsole                4.3.1        
QtPy                     1.4.2        
redis                    2.10.6       
regex                    2018.2.21    
reportlab                3.4.0        
requests                 2.18.4       
requests-file            1.4.3        
requests-ftp             0.3.1        
requests-toolbelt        0.8.0        
rope                     0.10.7       
rpy2                     2.9.3        
Rx                       1.6.1        
scikit-fuzzy             0.3.1        
scikit-image             0.14.0       
scikit-learn             0.19.1       
scikit-optimize          0.5.2        
scilab2py                0.6.1        
scipy                    1.1.0        
scs                      1.2.7        
seaborn                  0.9.dev0     
Send2Trash               1.5.0        
setuptools               39.2.0       
simplegeneric            0.8.1        
simplejson               3.14.0       
sip                      4.19.8       
six                      1.11.0       
snakeviz                 0.4.2        
snowballstemmer          1.2.1        
sortedcontainers         2.0.2        
sounddevice              0.3.11       
Sphinx                   1.7.4        
sphinx-rtd-theme         0.3.1        
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1        
spyder                   3.2.8        
SQLAlchemy               1.2.7        
sqlite-bro               0.8.11       
sqlparse                 0.2.4        
statsmodels              0.9.0        
streamz                  0.3.0        
supersmoother            0.4          
sympy                    1.1.1        
tables                   3.4.3        
tblib                    1.3.2        
terminado                0.8.1        
testpath                 0.3.1        
Theano                   1.0.2        
thrift                   0.11.0       
toolz                    0.9.0        
torch                    0.4.0        
torchvision              0.2.1        
tornado                  5.0.2        
tqdm                     4.23.4       
traitlets                4.3.2        
traittypes               0.2.0        
twine                    1.11.0       
twitter                  1.17.1       
typing                   3.6.4        
uncertainties            3.0.2        
urllib3                  1.21.1       
vega                     1.1.1        
vega3                    0.13.0       
ViTables                 3.0.0        
wcwidth                  0.1.7        
webencodings             0.5.1        
Werkzeug                 0.14.1       
wheel                    0.31.1       
widgetsnbextension       3.2.1        
winpython                1.10.20180404
wordcloud                1.4.1        
wrapt                    1.10.11      
xarray                   0.10.4       
xlrd                     1.1.0        
XlsxWriter               1.0.5        
xlwings                  0.11.5       
zarr                     2.2.0        
zict                     0.1.3    
philippjfr commented 6 years ago

Will have to test a combination of packages, my initial attempt at reproducing this failed.

stonebig commented 6 years ago

Numba-0.38.0 on Python-3.7.0b4 is a special from cgohlke. yet the datashader mode seems to work. I'll retry on a Python-3.6 build tomorrow (everything else being equal), to remove the python-3.7 factor.

stonebig commented 6 years ago

It works on Python-3.6 with same package list (except cyordereddict, related ?). So there is something wrong in my Python-3.7.0b4 stack, or in Python-3.7.0b4 itself.

List with no error on Python-3.6

Package                  Version (python-3.6.)      
------------------------ -------------
alabaster                0.7.10       
algopy                   0.5.7        
altair                   2.0.1        
altair-widgets           0.1.2        
asciitree                0.3.3        
asteval                  0.9.12       
astroid                  1.6.4        
astroML                  0.3          
atomicwrites             1.1.5        
attrs                    18.1.0       
Babel                    2.5.3        
backcall                 0.1.0        
backports-abc            0.5          
baresql                  0.7.4        
bcolz                    1.2.1        
beautifulsoup4           4.6.0        
blaze                    0.10.1       
bleach                   2.1.3        
blosc                    1.5.1        
bloscpack                0.11.0       
bokeh                    0.12.16      
Bottleneck               1.2.1        
bqplot                   0.10.5       
brewer2mpl               1.4.1        
Brotli                   1.0.4        
certifi                  2018.4.16    
cffi                     1.11.5       
cftime                   1.0.0        
chardet                  3.0.4        
click                    6.7          
cloudpickle              0.5.3        
clrmagic                 0.0.1a2      
colorama                 0.3.9        
colorcet                 0.9.1        
comtypes                 1.1.4        
cvxopt                   1.2.0        
cvxpy                    1.0.3        
cx-Freeze                5.1.1        
cycler                   0.10.0       
cyordereddict            1.0.0        
Cython                   0.28.2       
dask                     0.17.5       
dask-searchcv            0.2.0        
datashader               0.6.6        
datashape                0.5.2        
db.py                    0.5.3        
decorator                4.3.0        
distributed              1.21.8       
docopt                   0.6.2        
docrepr                  0.1.1        
docutils                 0.14         
ecos                     2.0.5        

emcee                    2.2.1        
entrypoints              0.2.3        
fast-histogram           0.4          
fastcache                1.0.2        
fasteners                0.14.1       
fastparquet              0.1.5        
Flask                    1.0.2        
Flask-Cors               3.0.4        
formlayout               1.1.0        
future                   0.16.0       
fuzzywuzzy               0.16.0       
geographiclib            1.49         
geopy                    1.14.0       
gmpy2                    2.0.8        
greenlet                 0.4.13       
guidata                  1.7.6        
guiqwt                   3.0.3        
h5py                     2.8.0        
HeapDict                 1.0.0        
holoviews                1.10.4       
html5lib                 1.0.1        
husl                     4.0.3        
idna                     2.6          
imageio                  2.3.0        
imagesize                1.0.0        
ipydatawidgets           3.0.0        
ipykernel                4.8.2        
ipyleaflet               0.8.1        
ipympl                   0.1.1        
ipyparallel              6.1.1        
ipyscales                0.1.3        
ipython                  6.4.0        
ipython-genutils         0.2.0        
ipython-sql              0.3.9        
ipywidgets               7.2.1        
isort                    4.3.4        
itsdangerous             0.24         
jedi                     0.12.0       
Jinja2                   2.10         
joblib                   0.11         
jsonschema               2.6.0        
julia                    0.1.5        
jupyter                  1.0.0        
jupyter-client           5.2.3        
jupyter-console          5.2.0        
jupyter-core             4.4.0        
jupyter-sphinx           0.1.2        
jupyterlab               0.32.1       
jupyterlab-launcher      0.10.5       

kiwisolver               1.0.1        
lazy-object-proxy        1.3.1        
llvmlite                 0.23.1       
lmfit                    0.9.10       
locket                   0.2.0        
loky                     2.1.1        
lxml                     4.2.1        
Markdown                 2.6.11       
MarkupSafe               1.0          
matplotlib               2.2.2        
mccabe                   0.6.1        
metakernel               0.20.14      
mistune                  0.8.3        
mizani                   0.4.6        
mkl-service              1.1.2        
monotonic                1.5          
more-itertools           4.1.0        
mpl-scatter-density      0.3          
mpld3                    0.3          
mpldatacursor            0.6.2        
mpmath                   1.0.0        
msgpack                  0.5.6        
multipledispatch         0.5.0        
multiprocess             0.70.5       
mypy                     0.600        
mysql-connector-python   8.0.6        
nbconvert                5.3.1        
nbconvert-reportlab      0.2          
nbformat                 4.4.0        
netCDF4                  1.4.0        
networkx                 2.1          
nltk                     3.3          
notebook                 5.5.0        
numba                    0.38.0       
numcodecs                0.5.5        
numdifftools             0.9.20       
numexpr                  2.6.5        
numpy                    1.14.3+mkl   
numpydoc                 0.8.0        
oct2py                   4.0.6        
octave-kernel            0.28.3       
odo                      0.5.0        
osqp                     0.3.0        
packaging                17.1         
palettable               3.1.1        
pandas                   0.23.0       
pandas-datareader        0.6.0        
pandocfilters            1.4.2        
param                    1.6.1        
paramnb                  2.0.2        
parso                    0.2.1        
partd                    0.3.8        
patsy                    0.5.0        
pdfrw                    0.4          
pdvega                   0.1          
pep8                     1.7.1        
pexpect                  4.5.0        
pg8000                   1.11.0       
pickleshare              0.7.4        
Pillow                   5.1.1        
pip                      10.0.1       
pkginfo                  1.4.2        
plotnine                 0.3.0        
pluggy                   0.6.0        
prettytable              0.7.2        
prompt-toolkit           1.0.15       
psutil                   5.4.5        
ptpython                 0.41         
ptyprocess               0.5.2        
PuLP                     1.6.8        
py                       1.5.3        
PyAudio                  0.2.11       
pybars3                  0.9.3        
pybind11                 2.2.3        
pycodestyle              2.4.0        
pycparser                2.17         
pyct                     0.4.2        
pyflakes                 2.0.0        
pyflux                   0.4.17       
pygame                   1.9.3        
Pygments                 2.2.0        
pylint                   1.9.1        
pymc                     2.3.7        
pymc3                    3.4.1        
PyMeta3                  0.5.1        
pymongo                  3.6.1        
pyodbc                   4.0.23       
PyOpenGL                 3.1.2        
pypandoc                 1.3.2        
pyparsing                2.2.0        
PyQt5                    5.9.2        
pyqtgraph                0.10.1.dev2  
pyserial                 3.4          
pystache                 0.5.4        
pytest                   3.6.0        
python-dateutil          2.7.3        
python-hdf4              0.9.1        
python-Levenshtein       0.12.0       
python-snappy            0.5.2        
pythonnet                2.4.0.dev0   
PythonQwt                0.5.5        
pythreejs                1.0.0        
pytz                     2018.4       
PyWavelets               0.5.2        
pywin32                  223          
pywinpty                 0.5.3        
pywinusb                 0.4.2        
PyYAML                   3.12         
pyzmq                    17.0.0       
pyzo                     4.5.2        
QtAwesome                0.5.0.dev0   
qtconsole                4.3.1        
QtPy                     1.4.2        
redis                    2.10.6       
regex                    2018.2.21    
reportlab                3.4.0        
requests                 2.18.4       
requests-file            1.4.3        
requests-ftp             0.3.1        
requests-toolbelt        0.8.0        
rope                     0.10.7       
rpy2                     2.9.3        
Rx                       1.6.1        
scikit-fuzzy             0.3.1        
scikit-image             0.14.0       
scikit-learn             0.19.1       
scikit-optimize          0.5.2        
scilab2py                0.6.1        
scipy                    1.1.0        
scs                      1.2.7        
seaborn                  0.9.dev0     
Send2Trash               1.5.0        
setuptools               39.2.0       
simplegeneric            0.8.1        
simplejson               3.14.0       
sip                      4.19.6       
six                      1.11.0       
snakeviz                 0.4.2        
snowballstemmer          1.2.1        
sortedcontainers         2.0.2        
sounddevice              0.3.11       
Sphinx                   1.7.4        
sphinx-rtd-theme         0.3.1        
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1        
spyder                   3.2.8        
SQLAlchemy               1.2.7        
sqlite-bro               0.8.11       
sqlparse                 0.2.4        
statsmodels              0.9.0        
streamz                  0.3.0        
supersmoother            0.4          
sympy                    1.1.1        
tables                   3.4.3        
tblib                    1.3.2        
terminado                0.8.1        
testpath                 0.3.1        
Theano                   1.0.2        
thrift                   0.11.0       
toolz                    0.9.0        

tornado                  5.0.2        
tqdm                     4.23.4       
traitlets                4.3.2        
traittypes               0.2.0        
twine                    1.11.0       
twitter                  1.17.1       
typed-ast                1.1.0        
typing                   3.6.4        
uncertainties            3.0.2        
urllib3                  1.21.1       
vega                     1.1.1        
vega3                    0.13.0       
ViTables                 3.0.0        
wcwidth                  0.1.7        
webencodings             0.5.1        
Werkzeug                 0.14.1       
wheel                    0.31.1       
widgetsnbextension       3.2.1        
winpython                1.10.20180404
wordcloud                1.4.1        
wrapt                    1.10.11      
xarray                   0.10.4       
xlrd                     1.1.0        
XlsxWriter               1.0.5        
xlwings                  0.11.5       
zarr                     2.2.0        
zict                     0.1.3        
stonebig commented 6 years ago

ah, it works on python-3.7.0b4 32bit... so error is on python-3.7.0b4 64bit only, how strange. I don't have pymc3 nor edward on 32bit.


stonebig commented 6 years ago

So, I suppose it's not Holoviews related: closing.

I confirm the problem is not on Python-3.6 64 bit, and so limited to python-3.7.0b4 64bit only.

stonebig commented 6 years ago

downgrading to pandas-0.22.0 solved my problem, so may be related to https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/7916

stonebig commented 6 years ago

problem is sticking there with pandas-0.23.3 64bit (from cgohlke), Python-3.7.0 64bit / Holoviews-1.11.0a1 / Datashader-0.6.7 / Bokeh-0.13.0.

philippjfr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed version info, I've not been able to reproduce it so far.

stonebig commented 6 years ago

ok. I hope it will go away with python-3.7.1, or when Bokeh will test itself against pandas-0.23.3 again. https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/master/scripts/ci/install#L19

stonebig commented 6 years ago

complement of information:

(was with holoviews not yet compatible with Jupyterlab-0.33.2)

jbednar commented 6 years ago

I haven't tried reproducing your environment or using JupyterLab, but your example works fine for me. Have you checked the JavaScript console to see if there are errors when it's not working for you?

philippjfr commented 6 years ago

Will reopen until we've resolved this.

stonebig commented 6 years ago

now it works ...

philippjfr commented 6 years ago

now it works ...

Any idea what changed?

philippjfr commented 6 years ago

I guess you were referring to the JLab issues not the outlier points?

stonebig commented 6 years ago

well, you did me to retry in another thread. I was going to question you. also I updated everything:

everything now works: default Holoviews display, Holoviews+datashader+outliers and in the right place in jupyterlab-0.33.8

philippjfr commented 6 years ago

Great thanks for checking!

github-actions[bot] commented 17 hours ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.