holoviz / panel

Panel: The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
4.42k stars 484 forks source link

At top of Panel homepage, the 4 examples return a 503 error. Same in App gallery #6845

Open Coderambling opened 1 month ago

Coderambling commented 1 month ago

Observed 503 error at May 17th 2024, 02.19 CET .

Is this a recurring issue?

For example, clicking on Portfolio Anayzer links to https://panel-gallery.holoviz.dsp.anaconda.com/portfolio_analyzer

Which returns:

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

Same for the other three and in App Gallery.

Portfolio Analyzer

Portfolio Optimizer

MRI Slicer



philippjfr commented 1 month ago

Will be fixed automatically once we release 1.4.3

Coderambling commented 1 month ago

Ah ok. Will that be soon? Having the first 4 links on a homepage not working is... just not good. Not great for search engine ranking either.

philippjfr commented 1 month ago

Indeed, we've had a lot of trouble with our deployment infrastructure recently hopefully that'll be a thing of the past. I'll try to release over the weekend.

Coderambling commented 1 month ago

Update: 3 of the 4 apps load now, only the 3d one, MRI Slicer does not work. It loads briefly, resulting in a blank page. Can someone confirm?

Coderambling commented 1 month ago

Still a blank for me.

Coderambling commented 3 weeks ago

Now it says: 404 page not found

The link is: https://panel-gallery.holoviz-demo.anaconda.com/vtk_slicer

Coderambling commented 3 weeks ago

And now it's blank again. The other 3 seem to load.

Coderambling commented 2 weeks ago

3 of the 4 examples do not contain a link to their source code in the example. Only the one below does. And maybe MRI Slicer but that one is not working...
