holoviz / param

Param: Make your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Sort parameters in the docstring of Parameter by relevance or alphabetically. #594

Open MarcSkovMadsen opened 2 years ago

MarcSkovMadsen commented 2 years ago

If I run

import panel as pn

I get

$ python 'test_param_stubgen.py'
params(end=Date, start=Date, step=Number, value_throttled=Tuple, value=Tuple, value_end=Parameter, value_start=Parameter, bar_color=Color, direction=ObjectSelector, orientation=ObjectSelector, show_value=Boolean, tooltips=Boolean, disabled=Boolean, loading=Boolean, align=ClassSelector, aspect_ratio=Parameter, background=Parameter, css_classes=List, height=Integer, height_policy=ObjectSelector, margin=Parameter, max_height=Integer, max_width=Integer, min_height=Integer, min_width=Integer, sizing_mode=ObjectSelector, visible=Boolean, width=Integer, width_policy=ObjectSelector, name=String)
Parameters of 'DateRangeSlider'

Parameters changed from their default values are marked in red.    
Soft bound values are marked in cyan.
C/V= Constant/Variable, RO/RW = ReadOnly/ReadWrite, AN=Allow None  

Name                 Value           Type         Bounds     Mode  

align               'start'     ClassSelector                V RW  
aspect_ratio          None        Parameter                V RW AN
background            None        Parameter                V RW AN
css_classes           None           List       (0, None)  V RW AN
width                 None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
height                None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
min_width             None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
min_height            None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
max_width             None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
max_height            None         Integer      (0, None)  V RW AN
margin              (5, 10)       Parameter                  V RW
width_policy         'auto'     ObjectSelector               V RW
height_policy        'auto'     ObjectSelector               V RW
sizing_mode           None      ObjectSelector               V RW
visible               True         Boolean        (0, 1)     V RW
loading              False         Boolean        (0, 1)     V RW
disabled             False         Boolean        (0, 1)     V RW
bar_color          '#e6e6e6'        Color                    V RW
direction            'ltr'      ObjectSelector               V RW
orientation       'horizontal'  ObjectSelector               V RW
show_value            True         Boolean        (0, 1)     V RW
tooltips              True         Boolean        (0, 1)     V RW
value             (None, None)      Tuple                    V RW
value_start           None           Date                  C RO AN
value_end             None           Date                  C RO AN
value_throttled       None          Tuple                  C RW AN
start                 None           Date                  V RW AN
end                   None           Date                  V RW AN
step                   1            Number                   V RW

Parameter docstrings:

align:           Whether the object should be aligned with the start, end or
                 center of its container. If set as a tuple it will declare
                 (vertical, horizontal) alignment.
aspect_ratio:    Describes the proportional relationship between component's
                 width and height.  This works if any of component's dimensions
                 are flexible in size. If set to a number, ``width / height =
                 aspect_ratio`` relationship will be maintained.  Otherwise, if
                 set to ``"auto"``, component's preferred width and height will
                 be used to determine the aspect (if not set, no aspect will be
background:      Background color of the component.
css_classes:     CSS classes to apply to the layout.
width:           The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either
                 fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.
height:          The height of the component (in pixels).  This can be either
                 fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.
min_width:       Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.
min_height:      Minimal height of the component (in pixels) if height is adjustable.
max_width:       Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.
max_height:      Minimal height of the component (in pixels) if height is adjustable.
margin:          Allows to create additional space around the component. May
                 be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal)
                 or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).
width_policy:    Describes how the component should maintain its width.

                     Use component's preferred sizing policy.

                     Use exactly ``width`` pixels. Component will overflow if
                     it can't fit in the available horizontal space.

                     Use component's preferred width (if set) and allow it to
                     fit into the available horizontal space within the minimum
                     and maximum width bounds (if set). Component's width
                     neither will be aggressively minimized nor maximized.

                     Use as little horizontal space as possible, not less than
                     the minimum width (if set).  The starting point is the
                     preferred width (if set). The width of the component may
                     shrink or grow depending on the parent layout, aspect
                     management and other factors.

                     Use as much horizontal space as possible, not more than
                     the maximum width (if set).  The starting point is the
                     preferred width (if set). The width of the component may
                     shrink or grow depending on the parent layout, aspect
                     management and other factors.
height_policy:   Describes how the component should maintain its height.

                     Use component's preferred sizing policy.

                     Use exactly ``height`` pixels. Component will overflow if
                     it can't fit in the available vertical space.

                     Use component's preferred height (if set) and allow to fit
                     into the available vertical space within the minimum and
                     maximum height bounds (if set). Component's height neither
                     will be aggressively minimized nor maximized.

                     Use as little vertical space as possible, not less than
                     the minimum height (if set).  The starting point is the
                     preferred height (if set). The height of the component may
                     shrink or grow depending on the parent layout, aspect
                     management and other factors.

                     Use as much vertical space as possible, not more than the
                     maximum height (if set).  The starting point is the
                     preferred height (if set). The height of the component may
                     shrink or grow depending on the parent layout, aspect
                     management and other factors.
sizing_mode:     How the component should size itself.

                 This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height
                 of the component. To gain more fine grained control over
                 sizing, use ``width_policy``, ``height_policy`` and
                 ``aspect_ratio`` instead (those take precedence over

                     Component is not responsive. It will retain its original
                     width and height regardless of any subsequent browser
                     window resize events.

                     Component will responsively resize to stretch to the
                     available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The
                     height of the component depends on the type of the
                     component and may be fixed or fit to component's contents.

                     Component will responsively resize to stretch to the
                     available height, without maintaining any aspect
                     ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of
                     the component and may be fixed or fit to component's

                     Component is completely responsive, independently in width
                     and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal
                     and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio
                     of the component.

                     Component will responsively resize to stretch to the
                     available width, while maintaining the original or
                     provided aspect ratio.

                     Component will responsively resize to stretch to the
                     available height, while maintaining the original or
                     provided aspect ratio.

                     Component will responsively resize to both the available
                     width and height, while maintaining the original or
                     provided aspect ratio.
visible:         Whether the component is visible. Setting visible to false will
                 hide the component entirely.
loading:         Whether or not the Viewable is loading. If True a loading spinner
                 is shown on top of the Viewable.
disabled:        Whether the widget is disabled.
bar_color:       Color of the slider bar as a hexidecimal RGB value.
direction:       Whether the slider should go from left-to-right ('ltr') or
                 right-to-left ('rtl')
orientation:     Whether the slider should be oriented horizontally or
show_value:      Whether to show the widget value.
tooltips:        Whether the slider handle should display tooltips.
value:           < No docstring available >
value_start:     < No docstring available >
value_end:       < No docstring available >
value_throttled: < No docstring available >
start:           < No docstring available >
end:             < No docstring available >
step:            < No docstring available >

This mean I have to scroll to the end of the table and parameter list to find the most relevant parameters like value, start, end, step.

This makes using Parameterized classes in the HoloViz ecosystem more overwhelming than it has to be.

Solution 1: Sort by Relevance

Reverse the sort. This would make sure what I need most of the time pops up first.

For example something like

def _sorted_parameter_names(parameterized: Type[param.Parameterized]) -> str:
    "Returns a list of parameter names sorted by 'relevance'. Most relevant parameters first."
    parameters = []
    for class_ in reversed(parameterized.mro()):
        if issubclass(class_, param.Parameterized):
            for parameter in reversed(list(class_.param)):
                if not parameter in parameters:
    return list(reversed(parameters))

could used as a starting point.

Solution 2: Sort alphabetically

This way its easier to search for something specific.

jbednar commented 2 years ago

I'd support this change, but I don't know which to prefer. That's because I don't recall what order they come in now; is it determined by the order in the inheritance hierarchy? If so then reversing it may well be a good idea so that the focus is on this specific subclass, not things shared with all subclasses.

MarcSkovMadsen commented 2 years ago

Right now what is added to the top most parent class first is the one shown first in the list. Maybe a precedence will override this. But precendence is seldom used in Panel.

jbednar commented 2 years ago

In that case I do support reversing the list, plus (if you like) offer a global option to sort them alphabetically.