holtwick / briefing

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Readable version of index-f59c5263.js #142

Closed itsallinyourhead closed 1 year ago

itsallinyourhead commented 1 year ago


Is there a human readable Version of the file index-f59c5263.js? With useful names for variables and functions. And maybe comments.

Hg=(e,n)=>n&&n.__v_isRef?Hg(e,n.value):Pi(n)?{[`Map(${n.size})`]:[...n.entries()].reduce((r,[s,o])=>(r[`${s} =>`]=o,r),{})}:sa(n)?{[`Set(${n.size})`]:[...n.values()]}:ft(n)&&!Se(n)&&!Bg(n)?String(n):n;

This is hard to understand.

holtwick commented 1 year ago

Source code is here https://github.com/holtwick/briefing